
For preschool teachers or anyone who knows?

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what is some examples of two way communication that allow parents to communicate with school personnel and examples




  1. Take home folders/Homework folders with a calendar for parents to sign and/or make notes

    Conferences/phone calls

    Parent Questionaires

  2. News letters (weekly monthly)

    Parent/teacher folders or notebooks

    Daily reports on what child did during the day i.e. "My day reports"

    White boards at the entrance of the class w/ daily activities & news

    volunteer in the class

    Class newspaper (record news that childs life in a news paper format)

  3. Communication is an incredibly important aspect of preschool and any Child Care or Education Program.  I make it a goal to communicate with parents every day in some way.  Ways to effectively communicate with parents:

    1.) Family Involvement: On my curriculum plan, I always have a section that says "Family Involvement".  This is the box where parents can read what they can do to help out with our theme this week (or month, etc.)

    2.) "How was my day" Cards: I use these every single day in my class.  The card is for every child in the class and has not only any problems written on it, but also positive things as well as updates on the child.  For example, it might say "Had some trouble at lunch with throwing food.... Had a great time during learning centers and read a whole page out loud!"

    2.) Parent-Provider-Partnership Meetings: Although it is sometimes difficult to get parents to show up to "PTF" meetings, I always think it is a great idea to combine a traditional meeting with a "brag night" where parents can come and enjoy refrshments, see photos/ videos of their children over the past month of learning and see what they have been doing!  It is the perfect time to take care of center business while giving them a feel of what their child is learning in the classroom!

    As far as specific 2-WAY communication-

    ***I always ask my parents to check their child's folder (where their "How my day was" card will be as well as art projects they have completed and other important hand-outs, articles, center info, community info, etc.  I also write little notes in them and ask the parents to sign it and write a little note back to me.

    ***Another great way to communicate with families is to have a Parent Center set up in the classroom!  I have one with a bulletin board with necessary forms, center reminders, a copy of the latest newsletter, reminders, etc.  It also has a little table with pens the parents can use and a small mailbox where I encourage parents to let me know of any questions they may have or issues, etc. that I might not be able to answer right away!

    Those are just a few ways that I use Parent-Provider-Partnerships and communication in my class!  Hope this helps!

  4. You can talk to other parents.  Or try volunteering at the school.

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