
For professional women with children only. Did you take time off work when your baby was little?

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I did, by choice. I appreciate all choices that a mom makes by choice, or is forced to make by circumstances. I feel fortunate that I could afford to spend time with my baby and I wish for little Trig's sake that Sarah Palin had made the same choice. Am I the only one who feels this way?

And--this has nothing to do with Bristol, so please don't comment on that situation.




  1. I decided to stop working when I had my son.  However, I don't "wish" others make the same choice, on this or anything.  It's none of my business.  I think it's terrible to criticize a woman for choosing to be a mom and a career person.  Isn't that what we've been fighting for for the last 100+ years?  

  2. Yes,Even after they were in school. That's what we women do. Be mothers,and wives. We are suppose to be there.Make sure everything is perfect and ok for them.

  3. I worked because I had to, I didn't want to go bonkers.

    I could have stayed home, but after a month I got bored.

    It was hard and I wished that I had stayed home with my boys.

    I had my husband there and he was a big help. He had a good job.

    This is why I am so hard on Palin. She has special privileges in place.

    She is only doing this for herself only and she is not qualified.

    I am a professional woman with 2 degree's and now in my 1st year of law school. I have many more years of experience.

    But I know that McCain and crew, would not give me a job if it saved their lives.

    His choice was cronyism only.

  4. Yes, for many years I had a very high profile and very well-paying job - something I thought  was unthinkable to leave.

    But I wound up doing that very soon after the birth of my child, and even though things were tougher monetarily, the experience of being my child was priceless.

    But that's just me.

    For the record, I don't judge any woman who chooses either to stay home or return to work.

    Now I'm back on the job, the kids are grown, and I'm really enjoying being back on the job too.

  5. The lawyers where I used to work all took 6 months' maternity leave. But they were in good shape professionally and financially. Most came back after 6 months. A couple of them went to part-time status and a few just quit.

    My sister stopped working when she had her first and 23 years later, she's just gone back to work (part-time). But that was what she and my BIL agreed on, and they were in OK enough financial shape to do it. She had 4 kids and boy, that was a JOB! I never realized how much time a mom spends behind the wheel of a car, picking up this one and dropping off that one.

    I grew up at a time where moms stayed home. I really don't know anything else.In some ways, I think it postponed my independence, but I was never alone so I didn't get into too much trouble.

  6. I wish I had been able to take more time. I took three weeks. It was pathetic. Luckily I am now able to work part-time, but I am not able to support my family the way I need to. I will have to return full-time next year when my child is three.

    I really wish our country actually supported actions that related to family values instead of one political party using the term as a secret code for justification of judgement toward others.  

  7. Yes, I did take time out to be with my babies, because I wanted to bond with them before going back to work, but we have to remember that all people do not think like that and there is nothing wrong with it as long as you are a mother when you get off work,.

  8. UMM first of all if you have anew born defanatelety!  

  9. Women only?  My wife went back to work when he was about six months old, but we could afford it, some women can't, so they return right away.

  10. My wife took the first two month off when each of our kids were born. After that we worked together on things until the kids could go to day care.  

  11. no...I went back to work after 2 choice, finacially I could have done longer but I REALLY needed to be arpound other people..also I was fortunate to be able to bring my dd to work with me for the first 3 months & then my husband (owns his own irrigation company-works seasonally) was the stay at home dad all winter

    She started daycare at 8 months  

  12. I think it's a private decision and unless you live in that household you do not know what is going on.  Also, why does nobody ask if her husband took off work or what about your husband, did he take off work?  See, that's why this smacks of sexism.  Why are you so judgemental of someone else's private decision?

  13. knew I should of had that operation

  14. Yes, I choose to be a full time stay at home mom. However, that doesn't make me better than anyone else. I certainly don't feel it is my business to decide what is best for others.  

  15. She's got more important things to do.


  16. She has taken him to work with her while she was governor. Besides, it's her decision as a mother. If she feels comfortable doing that, then fine.

  17. i had time off with a couple of my babies, and only days with the others.

    i don't understand WHY people condemn a situation when a father takes care of his babies.

  18. I am not a professional woman, but I do work outside the home.  Yes, I stayed home when my children were babies.   I taught pre-school when they were that age, and I took them with me.    I am glad that I stayed home also. I think that was more for me than my daughters.  Many children thrive in nursery and pre-school settings.  

  19. no, l went back 2 work when he turned 6months....

  20. yep because i wasnt the sole bread winner in the house and had the luxury of doing just that...did it set me back in my goals..yeah but they were worth it to me...i dont see how what she thinks is best for her kids is any of my business though to be honest..if the dad is there is that not good enough...a parent is a parent...shouldnt matter if its the mother or the father because there are alot of fathers who stay home because the mother has a higher paying job...

  21. No, I was depressed staying at home.

  22. Why is this only for women with children?  Do you think only women can take care of their children.  Try telling that to my ex-wife.  I am now a single father of 5.  Personally I think your question is offensive.

  23. I took off one week with my oldest and six with my youngest. I think it just depends on the circumstances. The deal with Trig is the father isn't working right now so what is the problem with her working?  I think it is only fair that the father has a chance to be the stay at home parent.

  24. I took 8 weeks off to bond with my baby and to let my body heal. I wish I could have taken more time however there was no FMLA at that time.

  25. No, I didn't and I don't plan on taking time off after this baby.  I love my job, but that doesn't mean I love my family less.  My husband and I share child rearing responsibilities equally.  

    Some women have no choice but to work.  Their family needs the money.  Some of us choose to work because we love our jobs and that's ok.  Some of us choose to stay home with the kids and that's ok too.  

    Leave Sarah Palin alone for making her choice.

  26. I was able to take 16 weeks off, and I feel very blessed for that time.  I however, couldn't and didn't want to take off much more than that.  It was not appropriate for my family.  I knew my daugther would be well taken care of when I was away from her at work.

    I think you shouldn't judge.  You were very lucky to be able to take that time.  Why do you 'wish for Trig's sake' that Palin had stayed home?  That's really not any of your concern.

  27. Yes-2 1/2 years because I could afford to....and certainly Palin could have too...

    Edit: and my husband took 6 weeks of leave

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