
For psychics only, what do i do?

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In my life, I have been experiencing many psychic abilities, so I think. I believe that I have precognition, premonitions, intuition, telepathy, telekinesis, and a few more. I’m not so sure about these two but I also might have clairaudience and clairsentience. (I might have repeated some using different names, but I get kind of confused with them) Many things have happened for instance,when I was about 7 or 8, my family and I were going on this picnic trip with my mom’s officemates. As I was packing what I was going to bring, a voice in my head told me to bring my first aid kit and extra pants. I brought the first aid kit, but I ignored the pants. When we were there, my friend was biking then she fell of her bike, ripped her pants, and was bleeding. The first aid kit came in handy, but I didn’t have the pants.There have been a lot more, and I have one for each ability I think I have, but I just want to cut to the point that I think I am psychic and idk what I’m suppose to do.




  1. What you should do is ask yourself, "Is any of this actual evidence of psychic ability, or is it all wishful thinking and coincidence interpreted under the power of suggestion?  Do I really have psychic powers, or do I want them so badly that I'm merely convincing myself that I do?"

    Hope you don't take offense, but honestly, a little introspection can be a good thing. If you're really convinced you have psychic powers, maybe you ought to put them to the test. Devise a test where you can rule out coincidence and adhoc intepretations ("well, black can mean white under certain circumstances..."), and see how you fare. You might be surprised at the outcome.

  2. First  of all this is not a helpful friendly site for you to ask questions like this, so you will need to be smart and ignore the ridicule that will follow .

    YOu have to sort out what is done by common sense, like packing a aid kit when you will be away from any help, and knowing for sure something will happen. A hunch or feeling is much different than a knowing.


    <Most people that feel psychic seek out a mentor that is older who is psychic and knows the ropes.

    If it is real, then you win. If it is not real, then you wasted some time.

  3. Well, there's only one thing for you to do.  Go to Professor X and, and join the X-Men.

  4. thanks to your inner voice,help have been provided at that moment,right?and since this situation happened,then why

    might someone will try to "suggest" it is delusional,(your capability);-truth is chance/probability there might be an accident,but by the same token did anyone else had the first aid kit at hand, if the answer is no,then the more that you should pay attention to your inner voice,and continue to strength your extra-perceptual capabilities,and ignore the people who by their 'suggestions' ,tend to try to make you feel like an aberration or an unadaptive being,however,take for granted is a reflection of how they feel, just because they don't have ESP,and believe me ,even if they try to learn how -to develop it, never will they are going to acquire it, kind of "access denied" for them-ESP is real and you should

    keep gaining knowledge in every area that you can,you will

    succeed  -visit the links in the source bar

  5. Talk to James Randi.

  6. First of all, Deleriumbliss, thats a really bad interpetation of DeCartes. That statement was meant to demonstrate that someone could prove that they exist, but cannot prove that someone else exists.

    Anyway to the question. What to do with your psychic powers......

    James Randi will pay you One Million Dollars to demonstrate your skills. For someone as gifted as you, this should be easy money.

    If I was you, I would demonstrate telekinesis, as it is the easiest to measure its effects, and requires no statistical comparisons to prove.

    Other psychic powers must be compared to the random norm, and be proven beyond the tolerance of ranomness, which means fairly accurate predictions.

    If you can move an object for any measurable distance, that million is good as yours.

    good luck

  7. If you are psychic you should know what to do!?!?!?!

  8. I can see your future!!!

    OK.. you have one million coming from him...

    And, I think you have another cool million coming from popular science magazine.

    So, I think you'll be set for a while, and if you run out of money just turn some lead into gold... oh wait ...Transmutation is one of the very few powers you don't list... Well perhaps you can learn it... Until then, use your telekinesis to acquire money right out of open bank vaults.  

    oh and perhaps you could muster up some more attention if you post your powers on the Internet... oh darn... you beat me too it.. you MUST be Psychotic... ur um..Psychic...

  9. i think what you should do is practice with people and things. you can start with practicing on me and tell me sumthing that you may feel about myself. lol

  10. "I think therefore I am" ---René Descartes

    If you believe you are psychic, then you are. If you believe all psychics will take your money and tell you stuff you already know; then they will.

    Sounds to me like you've already made up your mind. One cannot tell you what you truly believe. They may challenge your beliefs and get you thinking, "Is this real?" But you already know the answer.

    Science cannot prove TRUE psychic's and their abilities. And to a lot of people, if it's not PROVEN, its not real. The unknown scares people. So its easier to say that when a "psychic" has a vision, or a "just knowing" feeling, people mark it up as coincidence.  My question to them: Where does that coincidence come from?

    When some people hear the word psychic, they think of crystal balls and "gypsies." People have given the word psychic a bad vibe. Yet, there ARE those out there who "just know." Can't explain it, don't know where the info came from, it "just is" and they "just knew it." I, like you, am one of those people.

    If you are serious, and truly believe you are more "aware, spiritually," then you are. If you would like to take it further, start meditating. Since we are all a creation of God's thought, we can still connect with him and all his "power" through a higher vibration. AKA: Meditation.

    My guess is: you are between 15-21. (This is usually when the psychic abilities come out stronger in life) If I knew then what I know now, I would have begun meditating and finding the truth LONG ago.

    Any other questions, please IM or e-mail me!! ☺

  11. Why do you have to do anything?  Are you looking to further hone your ability?  To use it in some way other than you do?  You might want to check out the community of psychics at Casadega in Florida.  Someone there might have advice for you.

  12. The answer is hazy. Ask again later..

  13. Hi, I'm a retarded psychic.(sigh) Your answer might come to me later. By the way, if you really are psychic you should know by now. You might even be tuned into an alternate/false reality which would give you a false positive anyway.

    Speaking of which; Look into Remote Viewing. I understand they would like to have someone with an actual ability besides the money you have to pay for your tutoring or training as this isn't free.(Go figure)

    Otherwise, you might be one of those who needs therapy and some medications before you become schizophrenic from all of the mental confusion.

  14. start your own psychic hotline

  15. I am constantly amazed at the delusional states people can talk themselves into.  It is truly awe-inspiring what some people are dead-set on believing despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary.

  16. I can help you to develop your psychic ability.

    Slow your mind. Modern life tends to wind us up; literally speeding up our brainwave frequency. Normal daily, wide-awake, states of consciousness are Beta frequency 14 up to 20+ cycles per second. Beta level brainwave activity is too fast to allow psychic connections. So the practices of meditation and relaxation methods you are comfortable with are the first steps to develop psychic ability. More advanced help on the following pages:

  17. Work with the police and help them solve crimes, like on TV.  Or, charge people money to tell them what they already know about themselves.

  18. Learn to trust your instincts.

    Here is a place to start learning the different words, etc.

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