
For "true" Christians: what's worse - atheism or heresy?

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For defenders of what you see as traditional Christian theology and values (Protestant, Catholic, or other): What do you find more threatening to religious faith, attacks from outside or "corruption" from within - for example, through infiltration of churches by New Age ideas, or non-orthodox theology, or deviations from traditional sexual morality?

I'm sure both atheism and heresy are bad, but just for the sake of argument, assume you have to pick one or the other. Which, in your mind, is more destructive to religious and moral values in the long run, and why?

I am not an atheist, but I have vehemently been told more than once that my views on God are un-Christian, or even anti-Christian. So this makes me curious.




  1. No sin is worse than any other. All sinners will go to the lake of fire. That includes all non-Christians, atheists, heretics, pagans, Catholics, Hindoos, Mormons, Islamics, etc.

  2. Neither.  Atheism is a form of heresy anyway.  

  3. They be the same thing.

  4. I am most disturbed by those who distort the word of God for their own purposes, such as cults. So I guess I would say heresy. Many of God's people started out as atheists, and I see them as mostly good people who just haven't been where I've been- yet. I'm sorry if atheists find that comment offensive, as I'm sure some will.

  5. There are a lot of things in the Bible or other religious holy books are not very much scientific or contradict with the reality but until today those religions and those religious teachings are giving us the strength to live,to live a meaningful good life while prohibiting us do to any harm to mankind, keeping us humane, letting us know what is humanity etc etc a lot of things that was necessary is necessary and will be necessary for human being to exist. Definitely extremists are making religions more difficult, new atheists and heresy are questioning their faith along with others that is harassing others of believing in the almighty GOD.

    Now this peaceful world is a result of religions. A lot of us now know about the science and the reality. If we want to question our faith we can but we shouldn't question others faith. If they get come self confidence and some meaning of life keeping faith on God what's your problem.

    Heresy or Atheism nothing is problem as long as they don't harass other religious peoples. I believe they have that much education to keep them as a person with humanity and at least they know why and how religions also important for religious peoples. Somebody must believe in something. I believe in myself and myself believe in the almighty GOD.

  6. I would have to agree with Johnny and Gary M.  Straightening out a twisted theology is more difficult than arguing an atheist.

    Those who claim to know God and then attempt to deceive others is far worse than one who just denies Gods' existence!

  7. heresy is more devious and appears in many more forms, atheism is straight forward and more easily addressed...the effects of the two are different as atheism is out to suppress a christian viewpoint in society. Heresy is dangerous in that it can move people to trust in teachings that are false. the debate is going to be what is heresy and what criterea for the truth will people accept...i see the bible on trial as either the inerrant word of God or not...Romans 1 woud be an unpopular chapter in many churches today...if we end up with truth is relative then establishing a basis for heresy is impossible

  8. There are so many "fringe" churches anymore that would have been considered heretical in times past. I think some people who have "evangelical" christian views would have been burned at the stake 500 years ago.  However, we are more tolerant of "nonconformist religions" now.

    However,  I think most Christians really do not like atheists.

    One type of person you have not mentioned is a SECULAR HUMANIST, who may or may not be an atheist.  Those people drive the fundamentalists crazy.

    Another type of person who drives the fundamentalists is the kind of DEIST who feels that all people are okay so long as they believe in God, and they accept Christians, Jews, and Moslems as being all equal. Take it one step further, and there are those who believe in the GREAT ARCHETECT OF THE UNIVERSE.

  9. Well, I have a bit of a problem with the term "true Christian" but I'll overlook it to focus on your question...

    Personally, I think that heresy is a FAR greater threat to "the church" (the body of people that follow Christ) than atheism.  In fact, I'd argue that atheism is, to a large extent, a result of heresy in the church since even before Jesus ascended into heaven...and that some of the more modern forms of "corruption" you mentioned are a response to the growing number of people that don't accept the traditional Christian attempt to draw people back "into the fold" that "traditional theology" drove away years ago!  

    ...and yes, I agree that the recent developments you mentioned (New Age ideas, etc...) are a threat to the church...but I still think historical heresy (like that used to support crusades or the inquisition) did far more damage to the least so far!

    I can't comment on your views of God since you didn't share them...but I can tell you that the opinions of others don't mean anything compared to God's opinion.  I've had close family members tell me that my views are "un-Christian" or even "anti-Christian"...and that has never swayed my confidence that I am truly following Christ.    

    Thing is, I think Jesus made it pretty clear by word and by example that God doesn't want us to worry about people that refuse to believe...simply love them and leave them in his capable hands.  Instead, he instructed us to "police the church" beware of false prophets and to speak out against people that preach a false doctrine.  Doing so can (and often does) lead to an "un-Christian" label by people that believe that false doctrine!

  10. Corruption from within. People bringing new age ideas into the churches. God is the same yesterday and today. God doesn't change people do. God Bless

  11. Don't know what you mean by "true" Christians, but anyway.

    Probably, atheism should be worse than heresy, because people who believe in nothing are in a worse state than people who are trying to believe in God.  However, I think this site proves that hearing a religious philosophy a little bit twisted cuts a little deeper.  In the long run, it's probably worse for a faith to have to deal with heresy because it can infiltrate the religion and cause the original truths to be lost.  

    That being said, we have so many different denominations that I wouldn't swet it if a few people on here tell you that you are un-Christian.  I'm Catholic, I get that all the time and it doesn't really bother me any more.  

  12. In the early church, the greatest of all threats were heretical teachings, such as gnosticism, Marcionism, Arianism, Pelagianism, etc...but the reason that the teachings were considered heretical is that they causes schism's in the church.  Schism's were not good in a society which readily embraced a civil religion. Atheism though is a European phenomenon, so it really did not develop until after the Reformation and really only through the Enligtenments scientific rationale, that is why Celsus in the 2nd century called Christians, Atheists, because they did not worship the "gods of the state". Heresy is used and abused though in the church.  Seriously, strict Orthodox, Fundamentalists, or other's who hold to modernity would consider post-modern's to be heretical, but heresy must be judged on how it affects the greater body of the church, not simply what individuals think in terms of their personal thoughts and feelings. Also, what is truly heretical is in any way to demean humanity, since Christians affirm the dignity and worth of people, simply for being human. Peace!

  13. Heresy is far worse.  

    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”


  14. Atheist are punished by god on judgment day, heretics also but to hasten the process, christians used to burn them alive after torturing them during a few days...

    Oh and it might be of interest to you to know that technically, protestants are heretics...  This does make the  american "born again" fantasy sort of moot.

  15. Atheism is easy to point out deficiencies in.  With heresy it's harder because there is some truth, and the closer to truth it is the more difficult it is to point out the deficiencies

  16. I would say corruption from "within".The reason is the attacks from outside can easily be seen for what it is. However corruption or heresy usually starts with little things and because it comes from people say/think they are true believers is sometimes seen as being open minded,and those who disagree are labeled as close minded,bigoted etc.

  17. You are your own worst enemy.

  18. I'm never coming into R&S again - I'm so outta here - I can't take it anymore

    i just can't believe the things people say - I'm shocked

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