
For really christian believers what do you think is going on?

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My husband and I have been going to a wonderful church now for over a year. We prayed for a long time to find a church like this. But lately things have been changing fast and we moved into a tent until our building gets finished. But the pastor has taken control of all the money and we are not sure what is happening with it. We pay our tithes but for some reason our money no longer goes as far. WE have some friends that have recently left the church because of somethings they believe that God showed them about what was going on. They began paying there tithes somewhere else before they left and they stopped having money trouble. They believe that the pastor of our church is doing things with the money that we pay as tithes on things that are not of God. They believe that he has caused a cures to come upon the church. I have prayed for an answer from God but I am not sure what to do. What would you do in this situation?

I am not asking for rude comment from people that dont believe in God or that dont go to church> I am looking for advice from true believers in God. Thank you.




  1. i think that you should still be giving unto the kingdom of God faithfully as it is written and God sees the desires and the needs of your heart just trust in him. If the the pastor is doing something he shouldn't be with the money it will be unto him to take it up with God on the judgement day.

  2. To the person who posted :If you want to get rich, start a religion.

    that is not true. My in laws (father in law is the preacher) have spent many many years building our church (figuratively and literally) and they have Not made any money profit from it.. thankfully, that is not what they are after.

    But as far as answering this question- maybe a group of you should get together and call a church meeting to see where exactly all the money is going.

    Or just go to a different church (same denomination) and see if things start looking up..

    But most important is to pray about it and do what you feel is strongest for that situation.

    Good luck to you and God Bless!

  3. maybe you should ask your pastor about it, and if he is hiding something then remind him who else besides you he is lieing to and leave  

  4. I wouldn't attend a place if that place didn't give full disclosure of how every penny is spent.

  5. Only you know what is going on, so I don't feel qualified to give specific advice.

    But, pray and ask God to open your eyes, open the eyes of everyone in your church and especially pray for your pastor.

  6. If your pastor is spending money on anything but the church, you need to find either a better pastor or a better church. As for the supposed church... I don't think that God would punish all the faithfult people of your church because of the pastor's behavior when they are clearly not at fault.

  7. I would approach the Pastor and kindly discuss the issue with him.

  8. "If you want to get rich, you start a religion.'"

    Enough said?

    Quote: L.Ron Hubbard of Scientology

  9. Are there any other elders within the church that you can speak to about this?  If there aren't then who is this Pastor's accountability?  It sounds like there is something wrong with the structure of the church, first of all.  The Pastor should always have someone to keep him accountable, either other Pastors or a board of Elders to make sure things are done right.  Every church needs these kinds of checks and balances.  Second, what kind of evidence do you have that the Pastor is being disobedient with funds other than what you've mentioned?  I'm talking tangibles.  It is one thing to just leave the church, but if others are going to be taken advantage of by this man and you do nothing, then that does little good.  I might call him on it.  Ask him to produce an accurate record of the tithes and where they have been going.  If the whole congregation is feeling this way, then something must be addressed.  If he produces the numbers and is found blameless then the others who left are guilty of suspicion, rather than true discernment.  If not, they were right.

  10. its simple. you were getting scammed like the televangelists do to the people in their audience. if you think hes using it for something else then he probably is

  11. Hire a financial investigator to find out what's happening to the money.
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