
For seperated parents who share custody of your children-how did you work out important first days of school?

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Particularly if you had to go through this with a kindergartner. The first day of school is so very important and both parents want to be there, but the relationship--gosh I can't go on. If you've been through this you know what I mean. Please this is a serious question-no childish remarks.




  1. I have joint custody, and joint decision making of my 4 yr old son. My ex yanked all visitation away, and any decision making. I have seen my boy only one time during the last 4 months. Being part of the process of going to the school, going shopping for school supplies and clothing, being there to send him off was something I've thought about for many years before my son was even born. I heard he started school last week. I have no idea which school. We go to court in a couple weeks, and if there is justice in this world, my ex while regret her behavior because the judge will hopefully make some changes that will benifit our son. I believe he would have been the happiest kid in school if we both could have been part of this big step. Put your differences aside no matter how hard it is. Do it for your kids. They will remember, and become better human beings because of your actions.

  2. Regardless of how you feel about each other - you should love your child more.  

    If your child is going into kindergarten - you have many many years of events ahead of you, that you both will want to go to. All you have to do is be civil to each other in front of your child. It is your job as parents - even separated parents - to make  these first days in your child's life as easy for them as possible.

  3. Be adults about it.  We have to deal with people every day that we would prefer not to.  Both parents go to the school, and be nice!  

  4. I don't know how other couples have done it, but I've been the one to take my stepson to his first day of preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade. Neither of his bio-parents were there. His dad was at work and his mom lives over 4 hours away. Sadly enough though, his mom hasn't even called to see how school is going so far and he started last Tuesday.

    Maybe it would work for one of you to take them the first day and the other to pick them up at the end of the day. Then the one who picked them up can take them the last day of school, while the other parent picks them up. Those are both important days and if the parents can't agree long enough to be together maybe that is the only way to make it work.  

  5. the parents, you and your ex-spouse, have to love your child more than you hate each mature and keep your child the priority; he / she didn't ask to be brought into the world and have to live with parents that hate each other more than they love him/her

  6. I was there for her 1st day of kindergarten...he wasn't.

    I was there for her 1st day of grade 1...he wasn't.

    I will be there for her 1st day of every grade up until she tells me that its just not cool to have your mom there with you on the 1st day of school.

    He was working those mornings. I am Paternity Leave and was able to take her.

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