
For servers: Have you ever run into a bad tipper outside of work?

by  |  earlier

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A customer you had and then you saw them a few days later out at the grocery store or the mall. And I mean a really bad tipper (like less than 10%). Did you ever say anything to them? Sometimes I wish I could but I don't...




  1. One day i will confront him.  when i am out of the business.  I know what will happen if i do it now.

  2. I am an excellent waitress. I have been waiting tables for 20 years. I get that second cup of coffee before they even ask. I smile. I have a witty sense of humor which people love. I high-five little kids. I bring the correct order out to the table HOT and as timely as possible. I have a neat appearance. I come to work clean with my hair tied back. I greet and thank every last guest as if they are a welcome friend. AND if I do mess up an order, or forget something, or if the kitchen is slammed and food is taking forever, I politely inform them of the situation, apologize, and humbly offer to correct it. I made $200.00 last night in a 6 hour shift. Almost every table gave me 20%. Almost. Except for one. A mom and 2 boys. They left me 10%. I have no idea why. If I see them tomorrow, will I say anything to them? No. Who in the heck knows what their situation is. They could be poor. They could be just not very educated about tipping, they could have not liked me for some reason, they could have not enjoyed the restaurant for reasons beyond my control. BUT, I suspect that they think they left me a good tip. And it's not worth the 6 bucks to insult them.

    On the other paw...If it's a big party and you can tell right away that they are going to have a huge tab and you get a bad vibe.... Get permission to add automatic gratuity. Because NOBODY is in the restaurant industry for the eeny-teeny paychecks.

  3. oh, rollocal....all i can say is right on!!!...took the words right out of my mouth...

  4. Sorry but yours is one of the few jobs where the gov't says the employer must pay you more than what your job is worth. Since I have to feed my family I just consider that difference the tip.

  5. YES ,I have and i told them that i was sorry that i didn't make their experience more enjoyable and that next time i would try i wouldn't have to go home to pay my bills empty handed!=)

  6. yes! funny story. I've been going to Rent-A-Center for years (stupid, I know). Anyway, my husband and i went in to see about a new refrigerator. A girl i hadn't seen before greeted me&looked at me kinda funny. She also looked a little familiar to me. Then she says "OH! you were my waitress at the Olive Garden the other night, sorry if we gave you a hard time, but you were a good server." So now I remember this s***k! I say "oh yeah i remember you. You came in with 2 other girls,ran me around,complained about the food that you ordered wrong, then asked  to speak with the manager and tried to get your food for free." At this point another salesman came over to say hi to me. I told him I was going to get a new refrigerator today but I changed my mind, then we walked out. The male salesperson I knew called me on my cell and wanted to know why I left, I told him that the girl that works there harrassed me at work and i could no longer do business with Rent-A-Center. I went to their competition and got a fridge that day.

    rollocalcetin: it's people like you who are to blame for the industry losing experienced servers that are good and have pride in their job. due to your poor attitude and hostility they leave the industry only to be replaced by teenagers who do not give a flying f***! but not me, I'm still here after 20 years of excellent service. serving the good, the bad, and YOU! (the ugly).

  7. I am a coffee drinker and I tip more for a coffee than some tip for a much more expensive beverage or meal. I tip because I WANT to and not because I HAVE to. Coffee or beer or booze, the server still has to get it for me so I base the tip on the service and not on the product and NOBODY IS UNDER ANY OBLIGATION TO LEAVE A TIP in certain countries. Some servers think the customer owes it to them.

    The Muse

    P.S. You can get a laugh out of this one. Once upon a time I was BARRED from an establishment for being "sober and orderly"

  8. What I wonder is why you servers seem to think you should get a tip for ignoring customers, avoiding eye contract because they may want something more... like a second cup of coffee or some water and just generally showing by deed and body language that you really wish they were not bothering you with being a customer.

    I'm not saying you are doing this, but as a frequent diner in restaurants, I am sick to death of tweens, teens and twenty somethings that can't even hold a short conversation with people and make it so obvious they wish they didn't have to work.

    You make your own tips.. there is no law that SAYS you get a tip.. supposedly you get a tip for good service and if you aren't getting tips then you need to look in a mirror for the reason you aren't getting them.

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