
For solo travelers: Do you ever get scared being alone in a foreign country?

by Guest62712  |  earlier

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For solo travelers: Do you ever get scared being alone in a foreign country?




  1. Yes, that's why I prepare necessary stuff before I go to the place.  

  2. Never.

    As the Pinoy Ancient Saying goes, when someone leaves and his loved ones say "Ingat",  the answer is "Sila ang mag-ingat sa akin."

    (Let them beware of me, not I beware of them.)

  3. I go by the dictum  - - Travel (tourism travel, not business travel) only with an equal, or travel alone. Rather than travel with someone with either a far too sophisticated taste than I have, or someone too pedestrian that will cramp my style, I would prefer to travel alone. And not clear my schedule with anyone.

    If traveling alone can actually be a preference, then it follows that one will not get (really) scared anytime, anywhere when solo. Just more careful, maybe.

  4. fear cannot be dodged, however, wit and carefulness always outweigh fear.

    also, it depends where u are going. im confident travelling around asia, but if you let me travel alone in chaotic countries, that would be a different story...

    being a pinay? im not afraid at all, sabi nga nila, pag pinoy, kaya lahat saan ka man magpunta!

  5. no.. matakot ka pag la kang pera


  6. Nah for me thats the best part of the experience. You've cut of all familiar ties and your there by yourself in a new place and your actions are on your own shoulders. There is nothing to hold you back from what you want to do. Going with friends would be nice but personally I've never been scared going to places by myself. Infact it teaches you how to handle certain situations better which is always a plus. I would seriously hate being on holiday worry about someone else other than myself. Thats just me though.  

  7. Nope. I'd get the first jitters but the adventurer in me always wins. I can speak English and I can understand non-verbal communication on an average so I am not scared. Besides I have a really strong sense of direction. On top of that, I make friends easily. Life is an adventure, it is what you make out of it.

  8. most of the time, scared that someone might recognize me, esp those paparazzi, (heheh) wishful thinking.

    not unless those areas hate filipinos, sure , i am pretty scared, or the locals are maniacs whether to males or females. So I always takes precautions before venturing into "unchartered" territory. Asking around,and doing research on them first doesn't hurt.

  9. not all.

    my senses are functioning well,

    so i don't need to depend on anyone.

    let's just put it this way..

    i can ask for directions because i have a mouth,

    & i can see where i'm going because i have eyes.

    also, having a sufficient money on hand,

    will make you feel happy and secured.

    when people stare at me because i'm alone,

    i don't give a d**n. it's nothing;

    we don't know each other anyway.

    it just so happened that i was passing by,

    and they saw me.

    umh, i actually prefer traveling alone,

    because i have all the freedom in the world.

    when i'm with my parents,

    i just can do nothing. haha.

  10. No, because I am cautious in unfamiliar environments. Just learn a few useful phrases and use common sense.

    I enjoy experiencing the local culture as much as the next traveler, but I also want to make it home alive to tell about it.

    I've traveled all over Europe alone, and was never scared.

  11. nope, but then again, Im 5'10', 180

  12. not at all. infact it's an adrenaline rush.

  13. if i go backpacking, i make sure that i have everything i need.

    i have sufficient knowledge of the area where i'm going. i check on the net before i go. i ask around for there experiences.

    and then of course, my being adventurist gives me enough courage to explore the place.but i also try to be very cautious. i observe very keenly.that's why i walk a lot.

    what i'm only scared of are the boboos that i might do, like how do i get off the bus? ring the bell or say "para po" hehe

  14. i always travel with my mom. last may, i rode the greyhound alone going to another city 5 hrs away to visit my aunt. i wasn't scared.  

  15. Not really. Usually when I travel alone, I try to get as much info before traveling. When you get there...walking is the best way to find out your bearings and the taxi drivers are your best friend.

    It is a bit lonesome though since there wouldnt be anybody to share the experience with and difficult since no one will take your picture.=P

  16. I usually don't travel alone, but I traveled one time to Taiwan by myself and was completely comfortable and secured, so it depends to where your going

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