
For some odd reason whenever a phone call id made my high speed internet stop working and then i have to?

by  |  earlier

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wait until the call has been hung and then i have to restart my internet connection how do i solve it




  1. Do you have DSL? Make sure you have installed the filters on the jacks that you use to talk.

    If that doesn't fix it, call your dsl provider. They might be able to do something without coming to your house.

    Also, have you tried just waiting a minute or two after it happens? The modem should reconnect without having to be restarted.

  2. It could be the modem, but I would check with the electronics shop, before rushing out to get one.

  3. I got this problem before. All I did was to change my modem and the problem was solved. Before I bought the modem, I will not answer any calls or call back by using my handphone.

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