
For some reason I feel a bit tired it is 2.50pm where I live is it a good idea or bad idea to have a 1hr nap.

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  1. What age are you?  If you are young and in good health then you shouldn't need to sleep during the day.  Are you taking medication or do you have an undiagnosed medical condition, has this happened to you before?  If it has then you need to see a doctor, is work or school getting on top of you?  Naps are fine if you are 70 years old and anaemic.

  2. A nap is always a good choice.

  3. naps make me feel like new   OH YEA

  4. Yeah, of course.

    Have a nap and you'll feel so much better!

  5. As long as you're not on anyone's payroll at that time, yes.

  6. sure, cat naps are always a good idea, if you can get one that is.

  7. go siesta.

  8. There is nothing wrong with taking a nap. Your body will tell you if you need to rest, and you should listen to it.

  9. Very good idea. You had a tiring week.

  10. Bad, one hour nap will do more damage to your system then help.... Best to just keep going, also you don't wanna nap in the middle of the day as it also hinders you...

  11. nothing wrong with having a nap ,i could do with one myself

  12. where do you live? In England we nap when ever we get the chance.

  13. naps are good!!! I wish I could have one right now

  14. good idea. your body is tellin you that you are tired!  listen to it =]

  15. sure!go have a rest!

  16. good idea, always helps me! lol

  17. good idea. studies show that a 20 min nap can rejuvenate you for about 3 hours. good luck!  

  18. It is always great for a nap in the day!

  19. it depends where you live if you neighbourhood steals stuff an hour but not steals stuff two hour

  20. There's nothing wrong with that at all, always listen what your body is asking, if you think you need a nap, by all means, do it! Heck I always do, it helps you refresh your mind! :-)

  21. If your body is tired and you have to opportunity to take a nap then do it!!  It's very healthy!  Plus, it makes me feel luxurious to indulge in a nap in the middle of the day.

    Another thought, sometimes when we feel tired it's a sign that we're getting sick.  If we take a nap it could head off some nasty bug.  So go ahead and indulge.  You'll be happy that you did :-)

  22. like duh

  23. Medically speaking, dont nap less than 12 hours before going to sleep for the night. An hour nap will pummel you as soon as you awaken from it, and often leads to oversleeping and feeling even worse than before 2:50. My advice is to do a light jog, or something to speed up your heartrate. Exercise is always important for your lifestyle...but really, lets be honest, who wouldnt rather watch the olympics and feel better about themselves. Good Luck


  24. I looked this up.  All that came up was a blog spot.  I say you should take a one hour nap.  My mom has done that before at that time.  

  25. yes, if you can.  if not, a small snack and cup of tea would get you through the rest of afternoon.

  26. Yes, when ever you feel like crashing out do it, it's your body telling you "Hey I need some ZZZ's " have a sleep ask questons or answer later.  

  27. Rarely a day goes by that I don't have a nap. If you need one just take one it will take the edge off.

  28. Why not? If you need to nap and you can spare the time, do what you feel.

  29. Sure why not you deserve it. and anyway whos going to stop you? :)  

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