
For some reason this year for school????what???

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for some reason this year for school, im not nervous, it starts on thursday

do you think its because im a senior now and it doesnt faze me??




  1. Obviously! You're excited!! I miss my senior year now that I think about it. Enjoy it, because it goes by faster than any other year of high school. Soon, you'll be sitting on the chairs waiting for your name to be called across the stage! :]

  2. ur prlly nervous just relax

  3. that's how it was for me. I'm a sophmore and I'm just like "what's there to be excited about?" It's school, there is nothing to be nervous of. Same ole same ole.

  4. maybe you are mature and realise now that your education is more down to you. and that school is no longer just a coir, it is your choice mainly.  You are used to the system, give this year your best shot! your education at the end of the day, your future  :)

  5. why would you ask something like that?

    so pointless...

  6. well keyword is nervous, i don't think anyone's nervous about school unless they are starting a new different school where they don't know anyone there. if you're in your senior year, you know a bunch of people by now so it's more like :) relaxing land... besides all the work and stress and the whole thing about your future relying on this and everything :)

    .... XD

  7. ive always benn the same but the first day at high school i didn't feel nervous at all i think its because u get used to the change, + your going with all your friends that uve most probably been with all ur school life.

  8. I think you're just used to the fact of waking up every morning at a certain time, walking to your different classes, and all that good stuff. Maybe though, it could possibly be being a senior. Be happy you weren't like me almost ripping my hair out. (lol)    :)


  9. ur probably just excited. Wow you sure start late!

  10. thats how i started my frist day of school about a month ago i think its because we know what to expect nothing new nothing different we are growing up

  11. Yeah probably. I'm going to be a senior and for some reason it's really bothering me haha. I start on Wednesday. Good luck!

  12. thats probably cuz you dealt with it so much that you dont really care...?

  13. i don't think it really ever fazed anybody.. i dont see why you would be nervous if it didn't faze you though? why would you be nervous about your last year? you should be nervous about your 1st year at college

  14. no its just school & theres nothing to be nervous about!

  15. your probably excited and you just want to get it over with and enjoy it :)

  16. yes, you may have become more strong and mature. x

  17. probaly your so excited,because its your last year & just want it done & over with & this year goes quick.

    i cant wait till im am a senior i am only a sophmore=/

  18. I don't see anything wrong with that. I'm a senior too and don't care. I just think you're used to it. You had 3 years of being nervous, its your time to bang out wit ur wang out!

  19. I just hope nothing bad happens, i.e. your friends all turn on you and you become the least popular girl at school. Good luck.  

  20. idk im in college and i was nervous, every year i get jittery jus because its a new year and a new year brings new things.

  21. Good for you! It's your senior year, and there will be lots going on as the year progresses; there will lbe time to be nervous, beleive me.  Roll with it & have a good time.

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