
For someone going on a two weeks cruise, what is the best ways to keep from sea sick?

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or dizziness from being on a cruise ship?




  1. I have been on many cruises and just got back from a 15 day cruise.  I have never gotten sea sick and you are not likely to either because the motion of ships is generally no more than a car traveling down a highway. There are several reasons I don't think you will need to worry.

    (1) All of the new ships now being built have automatic stabilizer that all but eliminate any rocking from side to side. And these newer passenger ships are so long, most 900 feet to almost 1,000 feet, that the front to back motion is also all but eliminated.

    (2) Cruise ships generally move from port to port overnight, generally about 6:00 PM. You go to dinner between 6 and 8 PM, maybe go to the evening show and maybe the disco and then go to bed. And when you awake the next morning you are in a new port. So you are busy or sleep a good portion of the time when the ship is moving. Most of the time you will not even know that the ship is moving.

    (3) Cruise ships make every effort to stay away from bad weather that would affect the ship, even changing the order of port stops if weather is bad at one. They will cruise through a rainstorm but if there is a hurricane or big storm they steer away from it.  This happened on a cruise we did a couple years ago.  the ship changed the order of the port stops and we had smooth sailing the whole cruise.

    I have not had to use any type sea sickness medication but my wife once tried the patch behind the ear and it worked. There are some other options to combat sea sickness if you are really sensitive to motion. One is a prescription from your Dr for either pills or the patch that is applies behind the ear. Another option is a wrist bracelet that you can purchase at boating stores.

    And, if you do not get any of these before your cruise, the ship will have a doctor who can dispense sea sickness pills.

    I have also been told that Ginger is useful in controlling nausea and vomiting. So, if you can, take along some ginger crackers, cookies, or candy, or other forms of ginger such as tea, gum, or capsules.

    Also, avoid closed in spaces where you cannot see the horizon and stay near the center of the ship and on lower decks whenever you start to feel sick because these places get less motion.

  2. Cruise ships are HUGE i went on one and didnt get sea sick cuz you cant feel the swaying motion.

  3. I just got back from a cruise 3 days ago. Honestly, if the boat is rocking enough, it will make you sick anywhere you are. My advice is to take dramamine or wear the little sticker behind your ear to keep you from getting sick. The one day I didnt take anything and I was so sick. An hour after I took my dramamine, I was fine... dont worry, everyones in the same boat as you... no pun intended

  4. In general, it's not as big a problem as people think.  Ships really are pretty stable.  That said, if you get carsick -- or just to be on the safe side -- here's what I'd recommend:

    - The Patch.  You need to get a prescription from your doctor, and be careful about any contra-indications with other medications, etc.  But it works really well.  So if you have motion sickness issues, get it.

    - Acupressure wrist-bands.  My mom, a physician, swore by them.

    - Go light on alcohol and heavy foods.  Over-indulgence can  upset even the strongest stomach.

    - Anti-nausea tablets.  You can get these free at the front desk.  The key thing is to take them *before* you feel sick.  The front desk will usually have a sense for whether the next day / night will be rough.  They make some people sleepy, though, so be careful.

    - Ginger and fresh air.  If you start to feel queasy, go out to an open deck and look at the horizon.  It'll calm your stomach.  Some ginger, like from the sushi bar, will also help.

    There's a more detailed article on how to avoid sea sickness here:

  5. Go on a large ship. The larger the ship, the more gradual the motion. Also, ask for a room midship. You can buy wrist bands to help prevent seasickness. Buy them at Wal-Mart before you go. They are a quarter the price as they are at the on board store.

  6. BEST WAY?????????????/

    Don't go?????????


    Take lots of pills with you

    Most people that go have the best time at the beginning when their bellies are empty / then get really really drunk :):):)

  7. Like everyone else said, most people don't get sick on a large cruise ship. If you're like me, however, you will. If you're prone to motion sickness, get a prescription for scopolamine patches.  I always wear them on cruises or road trips on winding roads. The only time I got sick while wearing one was on a sail boat in extremely rough seas. Dramamine doesn't help me nearly as much as the patches.

  8. Try to keep to the middle of the deck as it doesnt go up and down as much as the left and right  (port and Starboard)

    Take some metoclopramide tablets just incase - they dont usually make you drowsy.

  9. Book a room as low in the ship as possible  (preferably deck 2 or 3) and towards the middle of the ship.  I was very worried about getting sick on my last cruise but I couldn't even tell we were moving by how big the ship was!  If you do notice yourself feeling a little weezy, you can take ginger tablets, dramimine, or a variety of other over the counter meds.

  10. Take Bonine or Dramamine.

  11. The ships are so large you probably will not notice any movement at all.  If you are cruising in sheltered waters there will be no ship movement.  Take some Gravol with you.  If you start feeling queasy the Gravol will help.  It will also help you sleep.

  12. Don't go on the ship'

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