
For stock market experts: Do you think investing in Yamana Gold Inc. (AUY) is a good idea?

by Guest34005  |  earlier

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On Yahoo! Finance, the last trade was made at $10.00. The 1 year target estimate is $19.31. Does this 1 year target estimate mean what Yamana thinks they will be at or what Stock Market people think it will be at?




  1. IMO any of the large gold mining companies are a good investment. Even if we've entered a bear trend for gold prices (which is up for discussion) all these stocks are valued well below where they should be. Fear and margin calls has crashed these prices to a level which could easily yield a 20% return in a month or so.

    The way I see it, if we're in a bull market, this is a great time to buy seeing as it's a huge dip.

    If we're in a bear market, margin calls and fear has driven these prices well below value and so we could get a good return..even if it's just on a dead-cat-bounce.

    Either way I would say good buy.

  2. gold is passed, energy and financials have the most long term growth potential..they can't estimate a stock's price, they can only show what it has done in the past

  3. The target is what analysts expect it to be at, not the company.

    If you trust the analysts and have done a little fundamental analysis homework, then go ahead and buy it.  The value of gold will probably rise in respsonse to the weaker dollar.

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