
For teen girls & women only! i need HELP.

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Ohkay guys. Well girls. . . . I need some help here. Im 14 years old & im going to my 1st year of high school this year. I want to start wearing makeup. But its not what you think. I dont want it to be caked on. I just want a little eye liner & maybe some blush. Just something to spice up my look. Any ideas ? Any teens that are wearing makeup that could give me any tips?

If you want a pic of me here it is.




  1. I'm glad to hear you don't want to wear caked-on make up. I wish more girls (and grown women) thought the same as you. It always looks a bit off and I know your pores don't appreciate not being able to breathe for a minimum of 8 hours. I definitely agree with Guest9017. You should consider mineral makeup. It's much more gentle on your skin and you won't get a caked on look. Guest9017 is right, it can be a little expensive for the more well known brands (for example, Bare Minerals But there are some cheaper store brands which work just as well. Many of my friends and I have tried and really like Ulta's mineral makeup. (I hope this link works but if not, just go to the main website and do a search for "mineral makeup". Ulta does sell some of the larger brands like Bare Minerals and Pur Minerals so if you see more expensive items, you might want to search for "Ulta mineral makeup" instead.) As you can tell, we love Ulta because the prices are good and they have a huge selection of brands, colours, bath products, fragrances, hair products (shampoo and conditioner, hair gels and sprays, for example), hair styling tools (brushes, flat irons, blow dryers, etc), hair colour and tonnes more. Some stores even have a salon so you can get your hair done. The one we go to even has eyebrow waxing, facials and other "girly" things. I got a facial and it was awesome. You can get an Ulta membership card thing and get flyers telling you about the upcoming sales, coupons, and specials where you can get a free gift.

    Anyway, sounds like you've never used mineral makeup before, so I recommend looking on YouTube for how-to videos. I watched a couple and they really help. I did a quick search for you and this one (  is pretty good. She shows how to do all of her make up, so if you haven't really tried yourself before, you can learn how to apply eyeliner and eyeshadow as well. Since you are only 14, I think you should stick with more neutral colours (then again, I'm 27 and I still stick with the basics, I feel awkward when overdone like someone of the women I see). You could try starting with Almay for your eyes - they have eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara. I like Almay because it's hypo-allergenic. It's good for contact wearers which basically means your eye doctor even likes the stuff. I saw you're wearing glasses, so in case you also wear contacts or are considering getting them later you'll know what is safe for your eyes. I could recommend the Almay Trio For Browns ( for your everyday wear like at school. The mascara ( and the eye liner ( work with the eye shadow to really bring out your eyes.

    So say you have something more dressy (a school dance, a date, going to a wedding...whatever), you can play it up a bit with the Almay Intense I-Color Trio Powder Shadow Play Up the Brown 021 ( The mascara ( and eye liner this time is liquid so if you don't feel comfortable with liquid eyeliner (it takes some getting used to, especially when applying) it would be fine if you used the other one or see if you can find a pencil eyeliner in the same colour as this one (

    Of course, as I was looking for one more link for you and I find Drugstore and it has all of them nicely grouped together. LOL. Here's The Intense i-Color™ Collection ( for a softer look and The Intense i-Color™ Play Up Collection ( for when you want to play it up a little more. I really like the Almay eye makeup because they've picked complementary colours out for you and even tell you how to apply the eyeshadow correctly so you get the best look. Of course, trying to keep it simple for you, it's easy to find at the store since they've made each eye colour have packaging in that colour so it's easy to get what you need quickly.

    My mom wasn't big into makeup so when I was trying to figure out what colour would look okay on me she'd always be like, "Whatever is fine." even though I am very, very pale. LOL And because she didn't really wear much makeup herself, she'd always rush me to "just pick something". I can't tell you how many lipsticks I ended up with that I had to give to my friends because the colour was HORRIBLE on me. Of course, they love the fact my mom wasn't good at helping me find makeup. ;)

    In regards to blush, I honestly can't tell you. I think you'd look good in maybe a light pink (but choose the shade carefully). I've never worn blush because I have the infamous red cheeks from having Lupus (thankfully mine isn't all over my face) so once I put on my foundation and finishing power I already look like I've done my blush. LOL. If I want to fully cover my red splotches, I have to use a specialty makeup called Dermablend ( In case you're curious, they have the most amazing products which cover a tonne of things like scars, tattoos, vitiligo, uneven skin tone, Rosacea, stretch marks, Varicose veins, pigmentation disorders, birthmarks, redness (like me!), bruises, and even more. Seriously though, look at this (, it's bloody amazing!

    As to lipstick, I think you'd be fine with just lip gloss. You have gorgeous full lips and you really don't need any of the "tricks" people use to make their lips look full. I don't have any suggests for lipstick because I still can't really pick out good colours myself. I have this Clinque stuff ( I got in one of those free bag gift set things. Mine is a very light pink shimmer (I think it's Air Kiss but I don't have my makeup with me) and it's so easy because I just swipe and go. You don't have to worry about getting it on your teeth or missing a spot or anything.

    Well, that was a long post. I'm not entirely sure why I went into so much detail, but I hope it helps you. Good luck on your search! But make sure you listen to us - you are very gorgeous. Even without makeup you're gorgeous and you have awesome skin (keeping it healthy is important and sunscreen EVERY DAY will help keep it looking great). Makeup is just going to enhance the beauty you have.

    High school is hard, so I will tell you this. Girls will be catty and if you get into an argument, they tend to go for where we are most insecure "You're fat!" or "You're ugly!" or "No guy is ever going to like you!" Most high school boys have the maturity of a puppy that tries to hump everyone's leg. If any of them try being a******s, shake it off, girl. You're better than that and they don't matter. Decent men (notice I didn't say boys) will never make you cry.

    Don't ever let some boy treat you like an option when you should be their priority. I highly recommend "He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys" by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo ( if you're in a relationship or not. Yeah, some of it will make you roll your eyes, and alot of it is really only common sense, but women have a bad habit of falling too hard for some guy and start actin a fool.

    Hmm...again, I have no idea why I'm going into all of this. I guess the point is, I'm old enough now I know how high school will give you some of the best memories of your life, but at the same time, you will go through some stuff and you will think you won't survive. I'm telling you this as I would my little sister because I didn't have an older sister and I think every girl needs to know it all works out in the end. Sometimes it's easy to forget that, especially if you're surrounded by the newest drama.

    So, keep your head up, study hard (college is so d**n expensive and paying student loans back is NOT fun), make friends and don't lose touch with them after graduation, communicate with you parents (you're getting to the age now where you can become closer or you can do the teenage angst thing and you'll fight with them constantly), NEVER, EVER drink and drive. (Drinking isn't a good idea anyway, if you aren't with people you trust, bad things can happen. Not to scare you, but being raped will change your life. I don't tell you that so you will think all dudes could be scum, but just so you keep a level head about things and don't ever put yourself in an unsafe situation. If you have to walk late a night, get a little hand thing of mace to put on your key chain.) Oh, learn about money now. You're probably gonna be broke all through college. Start a savings account now. It sounds silly, but I wish I had. Even just $5 a week, h**l, just $5 a month if that's all you can do right now will really add up in a few years. Resist the urge to eat out all the time. Not only is it expensive but you can usually make better food yourself at home for tonnes cheaper. Not to mention after so much fast food you start feeling gross. (There was one time I was living off of the deli food at work because I needed the hours and I remember suddenly thinking at home one day, "Mmm...lettuce sounds really good." LOL I swear.) Try not to get caught up in what's trendy and popular at school. It's really hard, because you want whatever it is rightthissecond but that craze lasts all of a week and then there is some new hot item you're going to have to talk your parents into buying. And please, for the love of God, don't let people talk you into buying all of these $400 purses. Find a simple, good quality purse and it will work just as well. There's so many better things you could buy instead. Keep your morals. Don't let people talk you into things you don't feel comfortable doing. Don't tell little white lies "Oh, I didn't know that was due today!" or "Oh, I didn't hear you say to do the dishes!", you'll start doing them more and more until you start making up outright lies. I watched one of my friends do this and let me tell you, she had a hard time after a while of keeping her lies straight and eventually got caught with all those lies. Don't cheat. I know it sounds lame, but in the end you only cheat yourself. Trust me, college is a whole new ballgame and you really want to go in there having a solid foundation. Don't take any questionable pictures. LOL Not even just with your girlfriends running around in your undies, swimming at some pond. Not even a boob shot for a guy...much less anything else. Nothing with drinking, kids doing kegstands, shots, whatever. Nothing with smoking, be it cigarettes or our friend Mary Jane. Basically follow this rule, "Would I want my Granny to see this?" If no, you know what to do. People can forward pictures, upload them to their MySpace, send them by email, print them out, etc. You don't want to be the next Vanessa Hudgens photo scandal or have people know what your girly bits look like Ms. Lohan or Britney, and you sure as h**l don't want anything like the Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton s*x tapes. Just don't go there. Lastly, about s*x. Really, really talk to yourself about it. Only you know when you're really ready. Personally, I made a rule I wouldn't have s*x until I was at least 18 because I knew that while I'd think some of these guys were the coolest dudes ever, I didn't want to be older and thinking about my high school years and think, "God. I can't believe I slept with HIM." Also, I knew there was no way in h**l I would be able to support a child - mentally, physically or financially. You can forget to take your birth control, you could be taking another medication that decreases it's effectiveness, condoms break, they can be taken off wrong, and if you're fooling around naked, you can absolutely get pregnant from precum. Recognise the consequences. ALWAYS, ALWAYS have safe s*x. Don't let any dude try to talk you out of it, "But it feels better without a condom" "I don't have anything. Don't you trust me?" "But baby, we're gonna be together for-ev-ah." Even the greatest s*x and mindblowing o****m is not worth getting a STD or even worse, HIV. If you do decide to have s*x, get tested regularly. Even if you're in a committed relationship, you should still get tested. HIV can take months to show up sometimes. God forbid you were to be HIV+ ever, but if it happened, you need to know early on so you can start getting treatment as soon as possible. Even if you've been with your partner for like 12 years and you know you have been totally faithful, you still want to get tested periodically. This is not to say your partner isn't going to be faithful and will cheat on you left and right, but someones humans make mistakes. Your partner may have cheated and has been too ashamed to tell you, but that doesn't mean s/he didn't put you at risk. It sounds horrible, I know, but you want to keep yourself safe too. Just always have safe s*x. Know your risks.

    After all of that, back to the drinking, never, ever drive drunk. It's better you call your parents and ask for a ride. Yeah, they'll be pissed and you'll probably get in trouble, but you'll be alive. During high school, we lost 2 of our friends to drunk driving. The first was in the car as a passenger and everyone was drunk (even the driver). The second was riding with his family when a drunk driver hit them, killing him, his little sister, caused serious injuries to his mom (she ended up losing an eye and isn't able to walk around normally), and minor injuries to his older sister (she was also a teacher at our school). I promise you, alcohol isn't worth dying for and you sure as h**l don't want to be responsible for killing someone, much less their family. I pray you NEVER have to go to a funeral for any of your friends until you are old and wrinkly and at least in your 80s.

    Good luck. <3

  2. Hi
    im in my last year at high school so have a good idea about this the best thing to do it to try and find a eye shadow, something that matches you eyes e.g blue eyes blue eye shadow, and a bit of lip gloss thats all you need if you go too over the top and go in looking like a doll its something that people won't forget. hope it goes well for you and enjoy high school =D


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