
For tests... is it better to sleep a lot before the test or stay up late studying?

by  |  earlier

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i have THREE tests tomorrow... big ones... and right now i think i can get a C or B on all. i want an A... would i do better if i just slept and cramed in the morning, or stay up a few hours than i normally would and study? thanks! oh and i am not talking about health here... just what would make me do better!!




  1. Hi.

    The general rule is that a person does best in exams if they are well rested, so staying up later than you usually do is not a good idea.

    A suggestion is to spend each (and every) spare moment that you do have ... studying. That means no txt-ing, no internet, no MSN chat , etc tonight.... Just stick to studying until the tests are over. :-)

    Study until about your usual bed time.

    Good luck. :-)



  2. Well, if you don't get enough sleep, you may end up being unable to focus on the tests tomorrow anyway. Your best bet would be to review it quickly tonight, get a good night's sleep, and then review again tomorrow morning before you take your tests. Chances are, you'll probably do better than you think you will anyway. And may want to start studying earlier than at the last second next time. ;)

  3. It is better to study every night, then get a good nights sleep prior to the big test.

  4. Well if you didn't study enough already it is definitely better to study all night (and morning) but get AT LEAST 1-2 hours of sleep before waking up again reviewing a little bit and taking the test.

    Always works for me. Makes me have all the information fresh in my head.

  5. should have been studying all along..if you dont know it now you wont know it without sleep either...good in the morning...

  6. Definitely get plenty of sleep so your brain is firing on all cylinders during the test. Study before hand in small increments.

  7. It's better to sleep generally. Some people are different, but most people need sleep. Eating healthy helps too.

    Write about what u know on tests, be the test!

  8. You do ususally need your sleep, in general you will do better. Since this is last minute, do what you want. I mean we've all(or most) crammed for tests staying up late.

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