
For the Aussies: What do you think of Robbie Dean?

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Robbie Dean's a good man and you guys are lucky to have him. I just wish New Zealand will realize their mistake in letting him go, so I hope you Aussies treat Robbie well - he's still a Cantabrian at heart! Once a kiwi, always a kiwi.




  1. To be honest, it's a big loss for New Zealand rugby because he was a very successful coach for the Crusaders. Can't think why they didn't force him into a roll in All Black team management

  2. MISTAKE? a mistake that they didnt let go of a man that has handed the wallabies thier biggest thrashing ever. Even Collony and Eddie Jones would do a better Job. And this is coming from a kiwi.

    I say the Wallabies can keep Deans. Kiwis just need to move on.  He hasnt produced consistent results as he did with the crusaders. One man cant change the poor rugby played iN australia. They need to revolutionzed thier own rugby culture.

  3. Robbie Who?

  4. Robbie Dean has been the best thing to happen to Aussie Rugby for ages. The way the game is being played since he took over is great to watch. he doesn't mind if a player makes a mistake in attack as he likes to see the ball move around and the players chancing their hand.

  5. It was so far so good....until being absolutely smashed by Springboks.

  6. Henry is still a top notch coach as more experience than Deans.  We will have to wait and see.  Can't really rate Deans in his first season of international coach.  I was glad that Henry was reinstated as AB coach.

  7. NZ made the best decision to not choose Deans as coach at this time.  He needs to practice winning with the Wallabies first.  A great Super 14 record is no match to a great International record. GRAHAM GRAHAM GRAHAM Oi Oi Oi  

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