
For the Exxon Valdez spill they have to pay 500 million instead of 5 billion, what do you think?

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Back in 1989 this happened, Exxon originally had to pay 5 billion in punitive damages but now they only have to pay 5

More than 3,000 claimants died waiting for an outcome in the case. Exxon mad 40 billion last year

• Amount average plaintiff will receive: $15,000, including interest, not including attorneys' fees or taxes.

• Amount damage award is cut for attorney's fees: nearly 25 percent

• Number of plaintiffs: More than 32,677

• Number of plaintiffs who have died since case was filed: more than 3,000

• Number of plaintiffs in Washington: 4,700

• Years case has been in court: 19

• Number of law firms involved: more than 60

The environmental toll

• Species deemed recovered since spill: 9

• Species not recovered or still recovering: 11

• Workers deployed to clean beaches: more than 10,000

• Amount of oil estimated still on beaches: 200 tons

• Marine mammals estimated killed by spill: at least 2,662




  1. Considering that Exxon has already paid more than 500 million dollars to help restore the environment, I think the change in the punitive damages is appropriate.

    The locals were helped by the federal government, then they were helped by Exxon, and now they are to get another $15,000 in damages to help them out...

    I approve.

  2. I think the CONSERVATIVE Supreme Court Justices sided with the RICH (Exxon Mobile) while the "liberal" Justices  sided with the average American who was most impacted by Exxon's irresponsibility in Alaska. Exxon initially said they'd be willing to pay for all of the damage caused by their spill, but then figured it was cheaper for them just to fight it, especially with two former oil-men in the White House.

  3. Let me first tell you that this is not over yet

    Second - What is the biggest issue of the day? Oil prices.

    Third- The oil companies do not get hurt because they pass it on to you anyway. It will be included in the cost of fuel. It wll not come out of profit.

    The more they have to pay- The more you have to pay at the pump. But trust me when you look at who gets the monnies from this judgement you will reconsider your position.  Lawyers and the government! Some will go to the plaintiffs. But trust me the government and the lawyers are the ones that beneft this the most.

    Now ask yourself how much you want them to pay.

  4. The Supreme court sided with big business and the oil chartel at the expense of the environment.  Big oil now has a free pass to pi** all over mother earth.

  5. It means that each and every plantiff will get about $15,000 instead of $150,000.

    The money wasn't going to be used for recovery, it was going to be doled out to the plantiffs.  Looks like now they'll have to hope they hit the lottery like everyone else.

    This award had nothing to do with the environment.  If it did, the plantiffs would have been suing for money to assist further recovery efforts, not self enrichment.

    Edit:  No, it just shows how out of control our civil court system is.  At least the Supreme Court fixed an obvious act of legal terrorism on American business.  I suggest you get some help for your anger issues.

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