
For the South Africans participating in "Theme Day" as proposed by "Ferrariman"....?

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Okay, in addition to the political and general questions on Y/A S.A., tomorrow (Wednesday's) theme will be Relationships, past and present, the highs and lows, the do's and dont's and the general preferences.........

Please post at least one question tomorrow morning on the given theme, there are no limits to how many questions you may post.

Do you agree to participate and to the theme's appropriateness?

If not, why not?




  1. Oooh! 10 points here I come!!!

    That has gotta be the best for most women and us Dr Phyllis wanna be's.... :)

    I shall go to bed dreaming up q's for the topic...

    What do we do with those who do not participate?

  2. Okay, I'm in. But I am working my butt off at the moment so I might appear is not due to a lack of interest.

    Bull:- Workers day is long gone...Ayisa will have to wait till next year....but that you knew!

  3. tnx bull, and thank you for everybody's enthusiasm

  4. I'm in and I already have my question for tommorow - Better right it down - I suffer from STML lately - thats Short Term Memory Loss (I think???)

  5. count me in. how do we choose the theme - maybe I should read ferrarimans question first.

  6. Ok i am in as well  -  interesting subject

  7. Ja Baas Boel, I am in too :)

  8. I'll be there too ! I can't wait ! I already have some excellent Ideas ! he he he !

  9. I´m in, but would appreciate it if the theme for the next day could be announced the afternoon before, if poss.  I often work from 5.00 am and come home after 12 noon, or later depending on bus etc. Then dogs have to go out and so I would miss out, boo hoo !!

  10. Ag nee, the white man is in charge again.

    Ok ok baas, I will participate. When will Ayiza get a chance to be baas for the day?


    Bull - thanks for the offer, but I cannot assume responsibility for that role as I will only be in the country for 28 days over a four year period. How am I supposed to manage running YA/SA with so little time

  11. Great bull.YES I AGREE  I will ask a few myself on that one and answer very little since mine doesnt ussualy work that well. What time will the topic be deliverd every day?

  12. I think it is a good idea and I will try to participate since I am guilty of not posting that many questions.

  13. I would like to participate also.

  14. Hahahaha Bull, hopefully you will not tear me into pieces. Or is it like we post on black-black relationships, or white-white relationship? Please clarify.

  15. Count me in! :)

  16. Yes, I would love to know some people on Y/SA's definition for cheating on their partner. I'll ask the question tomorrow.

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