
For the Vegetarian and Vegan , why not to eat Dairy products?

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I wan to make a list of reason why humans should not eat dairy products

can you help me name at least with one.


*I now that we can get more calcium from broccoli that Milk.








  2. Cows milk is produced naturally for mother cows to feed their calves. If someone took a human woman and attached machines to her b*****s and made her produce milk for other species for years, forcing her to have babies and taking them away shortly after birth to keep her milk supply high it would be considered abuse. So why isn't it considered abuse for animals.

    Butter and Cheese are made from milk.

    Battery Chickens are kept in either tiny cages where they can hardly turn round with artificial lighting with unaturally short 'days' to increase egg production. They have no quality of life and die early which is probably a blessing for them.

    Barn hens and most free range hens are kept in grossly overcrowded conditions. But it is more humane than the batteries. But it is still abuse of the animals.

  3. well my dad, mom, step mom and lots of ppl in family r vegetarians and me but we luv dairy ^^ and the reason y is we just dont like meat r dont have the taste for them also we r Buddhist .... oh but in the religion thing eggs give negative energy XD hard on me cause i luv baking i dont necessary like eat sweets cause i luv fruits more but i luv baking its a hobby ^^

  4. my standard "milk" answers seems to find relevance each day:

    Artificial insemination every year

    Dairy farms artificially inceminate cows every 11 months. Naturally, cows will vary this up to 3 years according to climate, health, season etc.  This can cause excessive stress on the cows body, increses the chance of prolapse and generally "wears them out" in a few years, rather than a natural 15-20 years.

    Protein enriched feed

    The feed they are given is enriched with artificial growth foods. these are generally made with cattle meat protiens.

    In the USA and some parts of Austrailasia they use a hormone growth agent called recombinant bovine somatotropin. Its brand name is POSILAC® and its made by Monsanto. This increases milk yield and beef growth. This is a synthetic hormone. Its banned in the EU since 1988

    The main mechanism these hormones work is by re-directing dietry nutrients from peripheral body tissue to mammary glands. effectively, they are slowly killing the cow.

    70% of US cattle are injected with this growth hormone ( 2007 stats ) that the majority of the world will not entertain because they believe its too dangerous.

    Bribe/feed caged carousels

    These suck. They are large rotating carousels where the cows are caged in a space where they cannot move. They have "black boxes" on thier legs which communicate with the main operating computer. They are fed just the right amount of food depending on how much milk they gave yesterday. They have added growth food if thier production drops

    One person can milk about 400 cattle on a carousel so there is no time for checking the animals health - they just milk them dry and kick them out.

    killing bulls, excess calves and free martins at 1 week old

    All bulls are killed at 1 week old, although some farms iin the UK started ( in 2006 ) shipping them to Continental Europe for veal again. They do not keep any back for breeding as they bring in new blood lines. In the UK we don't use dairy bull calves for veal anymore in country. They are either killed, or shipped out. Bull calves go to make low quality leather products such as cheap sofas.

    They kill all free martins as there is a good chance they will be barren.

    Strangly, they feed these animals with colostrum at birth to keep them alive, but then kill them a week later.

    excess feeding to produce 60 lites of milk per day

    The growth food is all designed to produce excess milk. Cows are naturally designed to produce about 15 litres. The european targets for 2009 are set at 90 litres, i don't think it need me to tell you if this is heading the right or wrong direction.

    intensive rearing means low husbandry checks

    As mentioned above, most automatic dairies have one milkmaid per session, thats it. I know a dairy farm with 1200 cattle and 3 employees. Tell me how they can ever check the cattle....

    removing calves from mothers after colostrum feed

    This is stressful and not natural, cows bawl for about a week for thier young, calling them to be fed. Obviously the calf cannot "run to mom" because its in dog food by now.

    killing the cow at 7 years old

    Cows can naturally live up to 20 years old, limited by teeth errosion. Production dairy cows are killed after 4-6 births so are never kept after 7 years old.

  5. the animals are abused

    milk is supposed to have puss in it(my question w/ this is why the f*ck would a mother cow give her babby calf puss 2 drink

  6. The human body is not made to digest cow milk.  It's that simple.  We are the only species on Earth that drinks the milk of another species. Plus when you add in the hormones and antibiotics that are given to dairy cows and are in turn passed on to humans who drink the milk it's even more unhealthy.  Milk consumption has been linked with many health problems from childhood diabetes to autism.  

  7. The animals are abused. Plain and simple.

  8. Cows don't produce milk for humans. They produce milk for the same reason that humans do—to nourish their young.

    Calves born on dairy farms are taken from their mothers when they are just one day old and fed milk replacers so that humans can have the milk instead.

    Electronic milking machines can cause the cows to suffer electrical shocks, painful lesions, and mastitis.

    Cows have a natural lifespan of about 25 years. Most cows on dairy farms are worthless to the dairy industry by the time they're only 4 or 5 years old. They're sent to the slaughterhouse when the dairy industry has no use for them anymore.

    Veal is a direct by-product of the dairy industry. Cows have to give birth in order to produce milk. The male calves born to dairy cows are taken from their mothers and chained in tiny stalls to be raised for veal.

  9. I don't see anything wrong with eating dairy products IF the milk and eggs used are from organically fed, farm raised, free range animals....Its a fairly healthy food product that doesn't harm the animals if done correctly....

  10. *Cows milk is for baby cows.

    *The cows are abused.

    *Cows are shot up with steroids. (Not something i'd want in anything I drank)

    * Calcium can be obtained from many others sources.

    * There are other milks to drink.

    *It's just plain cruel to do that to a cow!

  11. Because cows are treated like garbage in commercial dairy production.

    Because the dairy industry directly supports and supplies the cruelty of the veal industry.

    Because mammals don't require the milk of another species.

    Because mammals don't require milk after weaning.

    Because dairy is positively correlated with osteoporosis.  The nations with the most dairy consumption suffer the most osteoporosis; the nations who consume little or no dairy have the lowest rates of osteoporosis.

    Because excess animal protein leaches calcium from the bones.

    Because there is volumes of evidence on the role that casein (the protein in milk) plays in the development of disease.  See The China Study by T. Colin Campbell for details.

    Because milk contains blood and pus (to chuckbird: when a cow isn't bred and drugged to produce many times more milk than nature intended, and is allowed to reproduce at nature's pace and suckle her offspring, the occurance of mastitis would be very rare.  On the other hand, cows in commercial dairy operations that are bred to have oversized udders, are pumped full of hormones and steroids, are forced to give birth and lactate constantly, and are milked by machine instead of suckled by calves, have chronic mastitis.  This infection is the source of the pus, so it would not be "fed" to a calf by its mother because it shouldn't exist.)

  12. Like all mammals, cows produce milk to feed their young.  Cows also typically get pregnant every two years or so.  But on commercial dairies, cows are impregnated every year, and their babies are taken away within hours of birth.  The sons become veal calves and the daughters replace mom on the dairy line.

    After about four or five years of constant pregnancies and milking by machine, all the hormones and antibiotics and steroids, the cows are "spent" and don't produce enough milk to be profitable.  After that, they are slaughtered and become hamburger.

    It's the dairy-veal connection that led me to give up dairy.

    And excess animal protein consumption not only causes you to lose calcium, but it also harms your kidneys.

    I'm an adult human; why would I drink something meant for a baby cow?

    Cheese is even worse, as it's milk in concentrated, coagulated form.  Dr. Neal Barnard of PCRM refers to casomorphs, morphine-like substances in milk that encourage you to consume more.  The casomorphs in a cow's milk serve to encourage her young to suckle.  Those "power of cheese" commercials aren't kidding when they talk about how addictive it is.

  13. The cows aren't animals to people, they are milk machines.

  14. you should most likly visit vegan site for the real low down on it but people as a whole dont need dairy anything or anything from animals at all ot survive why do you think there are lacto intolerant people in this world ? there stomachs cant handly digesting it

    Cow's Milk & Health

    The advertising blurb surrounding cow's milk would make anyone think it is an absolutely essential and natural product for humans. Most people when thinking of increasing their calcium intake would immediately reach for a carton of milk or slab of cheese. However, there are several reasons for not using these products as a nutrient source. Whole cow's milk is suited to the nutritional needs of calves who double their weight in 47 days and grow to 300 pounds within a year. In fact, human beings are the only species to drink the milk of another species, and the only species to drink milk beyond infancy. In addition about 90% of the world's adult population (in Britain the figure is probably 25%) is deficient in the enzyme needed to digest milk properly. The enzyme lactase is present in infants for digesting their mother's milk, but levels decline after the age of five years. Adults who lack the enzyme suffer from bloating, cramping, wind and diarrhoea if they drink milk.

    The most significant connection between milk and ill-health is probably through its contribution to heart disease. Too much saturated fat in the diet can lead to atherosclerosis, where the arteries 'fur up' with cholesterol deposits and cannot deliver enough blood to the vital organs. The heart is particuarly susceptible. Milk and other dairy products account for about half of all saturated fats eaten in this country. Meat accounts for the rest. The UK has the highest level of heart disease in the world.

    Child-care expert Dr Benjamin Spock, once an advocate of drinking cow's milk, has joined several doctors questioning its nutritional value and warning of a possible link to juvenile onset diabetes and allergies. "Breast-feeding is the best milk feeding for babies," says Dr Spock. Dr Spock is backed up by Dr Frank Oski, director of pediatrics at John Hopkins University and Dr Neal Barnard, president of the 2000-member Physicians' Committee for Responsible Medicine. Dr Oski states that cow's milk is overrated as a source of calcium, is often contaminated with traces of antibiotics, can cause allergies and digestive problems and has been linked to juvenile diabetes

  15. I avoid dairy because of the fat and cholesterol content. I used to love cheese, but it was clogging my arteries.

  16. Who said all the vegetarians avoid dairy products? there is nothing wrong in drinking cow's milk. The cow's milk is not procured by killing it and this is not lost. Again the next day also it will produce milk. Non-vegetarian products like meat, egg etc are got by killing animals which is not correct.  

  17. steroids used to make the animals grow faster is in the by milk...  

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