
For the Zodiac: What is your Porpose*, Aspiration, Dream in Life?

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I'm not sure what my purpose is in life. But I believe in reincarnation, so I think I came here for my Mother.

Aspiration: Well, I want to be happy in the later years of my life. I want to look back and enjoy what I've lived through, and be at peace with myself and others.

Dream: I wish to live in a peaceful place that I love, be in a job that I can be creative in and have my family all be healthy and near me. So, yeah, I want it all - and be paid for it, too =)

What is your:




and what is your



Rising - if you know them =)

* " 'Will you walk a little faster?' " said a whiting to a snail,

' There's a porpose close behind us, and he's treading on my tail...' "

From the works of Lewis Carrol - because we all need a little Aquarius non-sense in our lives =)

Me: Libra sun - Cap rising - Aqua moon =)




  1. I want a few simple things in life:

    to do something useful like have a job that means something to me.

    to have financial security and comfort. don't have to be rich to be happy, but enough money to not have to stress.

    good health. i want to lose some of the excess weight i put on after high school and get in shape. im working on it LOL!

    have a family of my own. i don't have kids yet, but i have a great fiance who wants kids as well. I want my kids to live comfortably and not have to worry about if mommy can afford to feed them today.

    so, basically I want to live a moderate lifestyle and finish college, i am half way done.

    if i were to win the lottery tomorrow, my goals would change. i would set up about 7 different companies that do different things to help reshape the world we live in. but one can only dream big and try for the best in life.

  2. purpose - to learn all that I can and share it with others

    aspiration - to entertain others and fill them up with happiness and joy

    dream - to see and learn as much as I can, find enlightenment through wisdom, ....and of course find true love and have a happy little family....happily ever after sounds wonderful too...  :)

    Sun/Sag Asc/Cap Moon/Scorpio

  3. Would you be happy! harken, then, the way

    Heed not TO-MORROW, heed not YESTERDAY;

    The magic words of life are HERE and NOW-

    O fools, that after some to-morrow stray!

    The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

  4. I think that my purpose in life is to live and learn by my mistakes and to treat life like a precious gift. I believe that both you come from your mother and there is such thing as reincarnation. We are all made up of the same properties, energy. Therefore, we all coincide. Lots of love and light to u!

  5. Purpose: I think my purpose is to find one then give one, basically find my interest at any & everytime and live by it.

    Aspiration: I want the whole world to love me, lol!

    Dream: Be a successful artist, author, playwriter & maybe musician & be the 1st or 2nd man to distribute world peace & save every troubled thing. (I'm a grown man & I sound like a little kid right now, lol)

    Sun: Leo

    Moon: Pisces

    Rising: Cancer

  6. purpose-to take good care of my animals(2 cats and a dog), and to continue loving a man that is amazing.Also to have fun and my make life memorable, and to ALWAYS be there for friends when needed.

    Aspiration- to be successful and to be a good mother when the time calls.Also to be happy and never look back!

    Dream- to of been born into a wealthy family(hey, money helps alot in life). Also for my family to stay healthy and for me and my BF of 3 years to always be together.

    Okay, the fun stuff...




  7. I believe in reincarnation too.  I don't know what my purpose in life is.  All I know is that I want to know what I really want to do with my life.

    Libra sun

    Aquarius moon

    Capricorn rising

  8. Bumby!=)

    It's a nice question coz I've been thinking about these lately..

    Purpose- Hmm.. as of now I don't know really.. I'm 21, have a career, but I still haven't really figured this out yet..

    Aspiration/ Dream- I really want to help out other people, join a non-profit organization perhaps .. I want to work and save lots of money then help out others. I'm somewhat a humanitarian and a rebel..  I've joined 3 orgs: one environmental org, one socio-political org (hehe) and Red Cross.. I hate all corrupt practices and any form of injustice so I'll make up  my own organization (a civil watch org). I also want a happy family, good career,make up my own business, die at an old age peacefully.. Maybe this answers the first question.. I don't know, this might be my calling or purpose.=)

    Libra/Taurus moon/ Pisces rising

  9. great question =)

    my purpose in life is to learn from all my experiences wisely so i can move on to the next stage, although im not sure what that is yet. But to be happy without the thought of material possessions (what i own) and to accept that our souls own nothing, our bodies are just on lend for this life, and so i should keep in mind not to be greedy and more accepting.

    my asperation is to not look back in anger, open my mind and make a difference in this world. I would like to inspire people for the better, even if its just to inspire love in them. But i am becoming a nurse, and if i make it i want to be in a powerful position, where i run wards or teach at a university and can make lives easier or more purposeful for even just one person, but hopefully a lot.

    My Dream is to have kids and get a kitten, and learn to love unconditionally, and unselfishly and find happiness in their happiness, i hope to share this with a husband who wants the same. We grow old together swapping books, going surfing, discussing interesting topics and travelling. I dont want him to be a buissness man but a landscape gardener or something outside and he is gentle and smart. I want a big family and i really want my mom happy, because i love her more than anything in the world so i hope she joins us =)

    sun cancer, aquarious rising, scorpio moon

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