I'm not sure what my purpose is in life. But I believe in reincarnation, so I think I came here for my Mother.
Aspiration: Well, I want to be happy in the later years of my life. I want to look back and enjoy what I've lived through, and be at peace with myself and others.
Dream: I wish to live in a peaceful place that I love, be in a job that I can be creative in and have my family all be healthy and near me. So, yeah, I want it all - and be paid for it, too =)
What is your:
and what is your
Rising - if you know them =)
* " 'Will you walk a little faster?' " said a whiting to a snail,
' There's a porpose close behind us, and he's treading on my tail...' "
From the works of Lewis Carrol - because we all need a little Aquarius non-sense in our lives =)
Me: Libra sun - Cap rising - Aqua moon =)