
For the askers here (well answerers too)...?

by  |  earlier

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This question is totally contrasted to my other question lol.

Here in Earth Science & Geology, do you want to walk away with more knowledge than you came here for? For those that have been here, have you learned a lot (geologically) since being here? Also are you here just for homework help and did you at least learn from that? It is ok if you are only here for HW help. What are your true intentions or expectations here? Do some of you want your question answered from a geologist or geology student? To be honest, when I was in High school I would have been amazed to have yahoo answers and a geologist answer my questions and respond to my interests in the field. How does it feel to have someone knowledgeable in the field you are interested in help you with studying it and encourage you to excel in it? It looks like a lot of questions in one, but I am just trying to reach out to all cases.




  1. ^^^ And I am quite tired of seeing this guy post the same thing over and over about his tsunami warning. Yes we know now. Stop. Start giving relevant answers. ^^^

    Frankly, I am peeved by the amount of homework questions here.

    1) There is a homework help category and

    2) Most of the HW questions are just cut and pastes of questions like multiple choice and fill in the blank (which are a violation).

    However, I don't mind when someone is asking about their homework when they are really trying to get an understanding about the science so they can learn from that.

    I have a feeling its about 50-50. Half of the people come away from this section with more knowledge and understanding of geological processes, while the other half just get the answers to their homework without understanding why the answers are what they are.

    Then of course, there are people not in here for academics, that are looking for explantions for the processes of Earth. I like those questions (especially when grammar and good spelling and is involved and religion is left out). I find it hard to believe as a geologist and teacher how many people can live on the planet and not wonder or care how it works.

    Like you, Penn, answering here has helped me find better resources for info (other than my education) and I have learned from other answerers as well, especially in other science categories.

    I am glad this did not exist, though, when I was in high school. I learned real research skills and how to learn on my own. I feel this site is too much of an "easy out" for the lazier students.

    I would also like to see Y!A do something about the copious amout of repeatedly asked and asked questions like "why is the sky blue?" and "OMG 2012" questions. And I would like them to emphasize their search engine for the site.

    I have actually used the Y!A search engine hundreds of times. When I have a question, I always look to see if its been asked/answered before, before I go asking. 99% of the time I find a good answer. So I wish more people, not just in ES&G, would use that feature.

    But in the end, I like to participate here. I hope at least some people have benefitted from the help I tried to give. I wish more people would take the time to vote for the best answer though. It rather makes me feel like they grabbed my answer and didn't even bother to thank me (or others) for it. I have never let one of my questions go to voting.

    Anyhow, Penn, long winded answer from me. But that's how I feel about this section and the site in general. I hope more people start asking more meaningful questions and stop just trying to get quick answers to their HW. I also hope that the answerers here in ES&G, especially some of the TC's would stop giving blatant HW answers. Give them the tools and the directions to find it on their own. That's what a real teacher does.

  2. Dear friend I was criticized for my knowledge on earthquake in the year 2001 when I demonstrated the earthquake alarm designed by me to seismologist community. Now I have improved my knowledge as a challenge by reading books and browsing Internet.Now I am in the list of top ten.My instrument earthquake alarm which was once criticized by our meteorological department helped me to issue the warning 2 hours before Tsunami struck our coast.

  3. I do not come on here as much as I'd like, but when I can I like to learn and hear other points of view in geology.  It is kinda cool to hear from actual geologist what they do in their field. And with my earth science hw, they proove what I study is correct and not just because its what the text book says.  

    I only have time to put hw questoins on but I learn asswell.  

    Another thing.  I live in forida and feel secluded from the real geology field.  I noticed here that there are a lot of geology peeps that are from other states like out west and north parts. I hope that one day I can be one.  And get out of this state!

    are there a lot of geology in penn? All we have in florida are shells and maybe fossils if were lucky.

  4. I do want to walk away with more knowledge than you came here for! I learned sort of a lot.

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