
For the best French speakers out there?

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Ok, I can't translate these using an online translater because they are too literal...I know it's a lot, but please translate as much as you can please...

1) Francoise est la fille de Monique

2) Sur la base de l'arbre genealogique que vous avez etabli, determinez si les phrases suivantes sont vraies ou fausses.

3) Lire/Ecrire Lisez le texte suivant. Puis, sur une feuille de papier, etablissez l'arbre genealogique de la famille Moreau.




  1. 1. Françoise is the daughter of Monique.

    est = is

    la fille = the daughter

    de = of

    2. On the basis of the family tree that you all have set up, determine if the next few phrases are true or false.

    sur = on

    la base = the basis

    de = of

    l'abre généalogique = family tree (lit. "the tree genealogical")

    que = that

    vous avez = y'all have

    etabli = established / set up

    déterminez = determine (command form)

    si = if

    les phrases = the phrases

    suivantes = next

    sont = are

    vraies = true

    ou = or

    fausses = false

    3. Read/write Read the next few lines. Then, on a sheet of paper, set up the family tree of the Moreau family.

    lire = to read

    écrire = to write

    lisez = write (command form)

    le texte = the text / the lines

    suivant = next

    puis = then

    sur = on

    une feuille = a sheet

    de = of

    papier = paper

    établissez = set up (command form)

    l'abre généalogique = the family tree

    de = of

    la famille = the family

    If you ever need any more help, try these two links (they help me with my Italian homework, and will certainly help with your French homework):

    Also, if you don't understand a sentence, don't be afraid to pick it apart word-for-word. After awhile, you'll start recognizing words you already know, and it'll go faster.

    Best of luck with your studies!

  2. 1:Francoise is monique's daughter.

    2:on the basis of the genealogic tree you made  determine if the following phrases are right or wrong.

    3:read/write the following text.then on a piece of paper establish the moreau genealogy tree.

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