
For the female horse ppl... kinda wierd ?... but yea..?

by Guest10787  |  earlier

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i get so bored after im done being with my horses.. and i was wondering if anyone would like to be my pen pal.. i don't want to ask for an address yet because i dont want to even give out my own.. but like could i have an email or something.. i cant relate to ANYONE at my school im the only person with a horse and that loves horses... so i was just wondering if i could get an email to talk to someone... i hate being the only horse person... but i'd never give up my horses... so thanks and sry if this is a bad ?... i just get bored...




  1. i've been wanting a pen pal.. i know its kinda hard b/c of stupid internet people that are like evil.. but i would love to. you can email me if you want to be my penpal.. or choose this as best answer. id LOVE to though.

  2. sure just email me. sorry but i wont give out my home adress but we could be email pen pals.

  3. yeah, i get bored too...and i ride and work at the barn i ride at 15 and live in email me if you want : ]

  4. sure

  5. Hi its not weird at all!

    me and this girl used to write to each other all the time and she lived in the same town as me! lol

    My name is Kati and im nearly 15

    how old are you

    i live in Australia

    I currently own a horse but i am selling her to buy a new one

  6. Hi,

    I love horses. I really want a penpal too. Your account doesn't allow me to e-mail you so you can e-mail me if you want. Horses are like my whole life! How old are you? I'm 14. I don't own any horses but I take lessons.

  7. try subscribing to the magazine Young Rider... you can get a good penpal SAFELY through it, and it's for free (you just have to add a self-addressed stamped envelope inside your application)

    plus it's a great magazine too with all sorts of advice and good articles.. easy to read yet enjoyable!

  8. I'll be a penpal. I have a horse too named Oscar and I am a hunter/jumper.

  9. ohh... i need a pen pal too... I  have friends that are clueless a about horses... none of my friends own one horses... when i talk about them everyone gets board with me or gets annoyed cuz I talk about them all the time...

  10. Sounds super fun! I live in CA. I'd love to have a pen pal. I own an Appaloosa named Disco and I love him to death. We can even talk on the phone if you wish.

  11. I'D LOVE TO!!! I'm in the same boat you are! I can't really talk about horses to my freinds at school because they just look at me like I'm from another planet once I start. And after that if I don't stop (sometimes I can't!!!) they just change the subject. but first, i'd like a name and email adress and evrything.

  12. Well.. My next door neighbors have two ponies and I help take care of both and was there for the birth of the adolescent one :)

    But I love animals! If you like, we can be pen pals! :) I'm a 16 year old girl and I live in So-Cal. Email me if you want to be pen pals, and we'll exchange addresses.

    ps: I've been looking for a pen pal too! So It'd be fun

  13. I am 16, and would also love a pen pal. I am just like you. I own a horse, but when i get home from him, i am jsut so bored. I hate being the only horse person. I would like you as a penpal, i live in northern california :) Please message me, and i will give you my email :)

  14. Omg i am in the SAME situation! My life is all horses, and i wouldnt rather be doing anything but riding, and nobody else in my school understands, and especially my best friend. It drives me crazy. I tell her i need to go riding and it just so happens she wants to go to the movies and i say i cant and she gets so pissed off. She doesnt get it, and it drives me crazy, but theres nobody to talk to about horses, and its terrible because its the most important part of my life. My email's

    Email me anytime if your interested in talking :]

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