
For the first time in human history, there may be NO ICE AT THE NORTH POLE this summer. What will happen...?

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0 LIKES UnLike Santa Claus?

Sorry for the levity, but the real news depresses me so much I cannot bear it.




  1. More rain.

  2. Santa is moving the wrong side of the equator!  No worries...he has been planning this since watching an Inconvenient Truth!  :)

  3. Nothing .... just more whacko's crying nonsense about the great Global Warming hoax.

  4. In reality, this year, not much. The ice at the north pole is 'sea ice' which means it floats on the surface of the ocean. Like an ice cube in a glass of water, it will simply melt. The level of the oceans WILL NOT CHANGE! Now, because all that area up there that was WHITE and reflected the suns heating energy is now DARK  and absorbing that energy, this summer COULD be longer and hotter causing a lot of problems later this and next year.....

    1. Stock up on dry goods.

    2. Get a gun.

  5. If that depresses you...YOU NEED A LIFE.

    Newsflash: The earth is billions of years old. Eventually, humans will be long gone and the earth will STILL be around. It will shake us off like a bad case of lice.

    Forget the news and concentrate on your own life and local issues.

  6. He goes south for the summer.

  7. Tell me how anyone could know this statement is true?  First time in human history???hmm  I would like to know who has been around that long.  He or she could answer a lot of our questions.  Does any recall reading about an ice age?  Did humans cause the end of the ice age as well.  Tell all the tree huggers to get their facts straight before they try to steal our LIBERTY by trying scare everyone to listen to their non sense.

  8. Santa will need a whole new wardrobe :)

  9. Gadzooks!!! :-(

    Won't the world's coastlines be flooding?

    Poor Santa. I have some family up there... a couple of the elves in his workshop are cousins of mine. I don't want them coming around here asking for a couch to sleep on... we don't appreciate their "kind" around these parts, plus they have this nasty habit of chopping up the furniture to make toy horses out of it. I don't like this one bit.

  10. What nonsense!  

    It must be the work of aliens.  I understand that there have been reports of UFO activity in the polar regions.  We need scientists to determine if this phenomenon is also occurring at the South Pole.  Only that will determine if this is the work of bipolar aliens.

    Possibly, they fell through the hole in the ozone layer.  Or it could be a result of Y2K.

  11. WOW I'm Scared.... oh wait... I thought that if the polar ice caps melted half the world would be flooded.... did I miss something?   I guess it's not such a calamity after all.

  12. let's not say for the first time in human history.  Humankind goes back millions of years.  Perhaps, the industrial/human pollution we have created is playing a part in  this catastrophe.  Let's also remember that the earth has it's own warming and cooling periods. Maybe the earth is in a warming period and modern humanity has exacerbated the situation.

  13. Holy shiit! I forgot about Santa and the reindeer.

  14. Don't worry. There is no planet x affecting our solar system, causing climate changes on every planet in our solar system, including our sun.

    There were never any ancient writing that told of this very thing.

    This is all just the effects of driving cars and building huge factories over the past 100 years.

    Yes. All is takes to affect this planet is 100 years of pollution.

    A planet that is 70% water

    of the 30% that is land

    15% is inhabited by industrialization.

    Yes, Indeed humans are the cause of it all.

  15. The Earth has a way to balance itself out. When it gets hot, it rains. When it gets too cold, it dries up. It's way more powerful than all this pop alarmist news. That doesn't mean I don't believe in using cleaner fuels and protecting the environment. What I am saying is that it will always surprise the most knowledgeable scientist.

    Must be Liberals with the thumbs down. They didn't read the link, of course (which is USA Today, not some biased site). They are so full of themselves that they have to control everything and everybody. Read Liberal Fascism and open your eyes. These people are evil, and not the do gooders they pretend to be. It's all about control.

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