
For the girls, has any one had there eyebrows tattoooed?

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Did it hurt and how long did it take to do?

Now how about eyeliner tattoo and do you loose any of your eye lashes?

I know I have alot of question but I have been thinking of doing it but also wanting to know how much does it cost?

Thanks :o)




  1. I'm a guy and this just seems tacky to me.  Eyeliner tattoos are often too harsh-looking in my opinion.  Sorry if this doesn't help, but think about what it will look like when you're old and have white hair!

    And YES it will HURT!  All tattoos hurt (assuming you have nerve cells).

  2. why would you ever do that?!? it never looks real.  

  3. I know a woman that got her eyebrows tattooed on her,i think she said the woman charged her $60 i believe..But not many shop to cosmetic tattoos like that,you got to look around.And for as i know when you get the eyeliner done your eyelashes don't fall out.Plus the woman i know has to go in for touch ups every once and awhile,cause since its on your face it fades quicker then like a tattoo on your leg,and if you tattooist uses good ink you don't have to really touch it up that much...P.S Hers looks good :)

  4. it seems weird to cant possibly look natural...why get tattoo's when you can just use a little eyebrow pencil ?????  

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