
For the girls who s***w any guy ..... why do you do this ?

by  |  earlier

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I know that I am a lady myself, and I shouldn't be bringing you ladies down, but I just have to wounder ! Is there no self-respect ! Or atleast respect the relationship .....

1. Flirting with a guy infront of his partner

2. Meeting a jerk at a club and still having a one night stand

3. Purposefully breaking up a relationship

4. Using s*x for money

What's going on ladies ? It makes me feel as if all that hard work are ancestors put in to give us freedom and rights has been put down the drain ! Every time I watch the news, there's always something about two girls being arrested for violence or something of that nature.

Does anyone agree with me ? ...... that some women are lowering their standards ? ...




  1. I guess I get ur point. However,

    It is not only a matter of  respect for the person who is causing the problem and makin the advances.  It is also a matter of respect for the person who is accepting the advances.  

    You can't break up a relationship without one party of that relationships being willing in one way or anything.  

    All the behaviors you are asking ladies to justify are all behaviors that men display.  Our ancestors and historic feminist fighters fought for equality.  

    I understand that two wrongs don't make a right. But why do women have to answer and defended the same behavior men exhibit and participate in without question.

  2. Some people are a******s. Some people are narcissists, who don't care who they hurt in the process of going after something they want.

    This, however, is a fact about people. Not women. Men do it too. There's no help in pointing the finger at women who are a******s, because all that does is magnify what "women" do without acknowledging what men do. Some women have low standards for their own personal actions, as do some men. Not everyone is going to hold themselves that you hold yourself to, or that you wish you would hold themselves to. Such is life.

  3. Some women have no standards.

  4. Bad behaviour is just that...bad behaviour.  We find it in men and women, boys and girls.  I don't see it as a case of lowering standards but, rather, a case of people having little respect for themselves and others.  This manifests itself in the ways you offer, but in all sorts of other issues as well.  Our society is falling apart at the seams, with this new generation that has taken 'ME' to a whole new level.

  5. Generally speaking, regardless of gender, people are violent, selfish.. you name it, we do it, in one way or another.  

    I think it's possible that the media is trying to make it appear as though women are lowering their standards in an effort to actually make real women lower their standards.  It's the same for men.  An "everybody's doing it" kinda thing.  I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I wouldn't doubt that one.

  6. I agree with points 1. 3. and 4.  These show low morals and bad behavior and also no respect for herself or for another person's relationship.

    2. A one night stand, doesn't belong in this category, imo.  That's a personal choice between the individuals and it doesn't hurt anyone as long as both individuals are single and practice safe s*x.  Not everyone likes one night stands, but I don't think we should judge those who have tried them or have them once in a while (as long as "once in a while" is not every night or weekend).  Its a person's choice, their life, and its no ones business but their own.

  7. i agree with you, a lot of women in todays world do hold low standards for themselves, and that makes it hard on the rest of us that do hold a high standard for ourselves. s*x is all over the tv, its programmed into our society from a very young age, so i can see why so many people are this way, the majority dont care to even ask the question like you, they simply feed into it and perpetuate the insanity of it all. keep your head up and dont change who you are, when those girls are old and haggard with a few diseases or a couple snotty nosed kids, chasing after child support checks, youll be somewhere living well and laughing at it all. everything you do in life catches up to you, sooner or later.

  8. Perhaps you should worry about your own life and stop worrying about how other people choose to live theirs.

  9. When I was young I slept with a lot of men, but I didn't generally try to break up relationships deliberately, though I didn't necessarily say no if someone who was already involved with someone else came after me.  And I never got any money out of it.  I mostly just did it for the h**l of it. "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may" summed up how I felt about it.

  10. They are obviously s***s.

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