
For the good of Americana's let us support Hillary Clinton presidency?

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For the good of Americana's let us support Hillary Clinton presidency?




  1. The reason i will be voting against her is for the good of the Country. She has nothing to offer America but a socialist agenda.

  2. I am a proud Democrat,& will vote that way regardless who gets the nomination. WE NEED CHANGE NOW!!!!!!

  3. Hillary Clinton is a wimp! We just got Bill out!

  4. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. Please God No! I wanted a Hillary I thought until I saw her on the campaign trail, debates and also voting history. If she would allow Bill in on some of her agenda maybe she would be OK? However; Hillary is scary to this country as she has developed a I must prove my self and appears to have Small Man syndrome. I think we may get worse the George if we get Hillary. Sorry xxoo

  7. Americana's?

    Just what good will Hillary bring to America?  And don't say health care; she did enough damage with what she tried before.  My sister is a doctor and says that Hillary's health care plans are c**p. Why would you want to put a lawyer in charge of health care anyway?

  8. I hate you!

  9. That is a good idea supporting Hillary if you are going to be happy about paying more income taxes. I'm not.

  10. Boy you are totally out there Judy, do you want America to come to an end? I am all for a woman president, but not this thing. She is a liar, phony, narcissistic and a complete and utter disaster waiting to happen. She has no morals or values and is a disgrace to the Democraps

  11. Americana's???

    Definately not for the good of AMERICA

  12. Women-Power! Hoo-ray!

  13. put the crack pipe down and slawly back away

    then please check yourself into an intensive 5 year rehab program

  14. Hillary Clinton has the intelligence and experience as a lawyer, Senator and former First Lady in order to be a good President.

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