
For the grey dark visors does 60% mean more dark, or does 20% mean more dark???

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  1. lsutiger is wrong. 60% is how dark it is or it allows 40% of light in. In college and most high school leagues that is considered too dark because if someone were to get injured and they need to see if you are conscious they need to see your eyes. Check your local league rules or ask your coach if it's allowed.

  2. 20 is darker.  the percentage is the amount of light that the tint allows to pass thru.  yall are both wrong, LT wears a 5% visor.  Its just like car tint.  Lower percentage = darker.

  3. its 60% more dark. but if u play high school football u canot wear a tinted (dark visor) it has to be clear.

    Think of it this way... ladainian tomlinson has a 100% dark visor

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