
For the guys?

by  |  earlier

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Does your wife/girlfriend hide away clothing that you like and they dislike?

My wife does that all the time. Last night i found a t shirt that i loved wearing. I know my wife does not like me wearing it. It was quite well hidden. I also found a cap that i used to wear on weekends...




  1. Try to understand your wife why you like the shirt. or change the shirt according to her taste

  2. Yeah my wife does too, but not because she does not like it. She hides my new clothes cause she says I wear them too often. She says I must save them for special occasions...

    I always find them anyway...

  3. I'm not a guy but I don't hide my boyfriends clothing.

    I wear it!! ha ha

    He has big shirts and they are comfortable to sleep in! hehe

  4. I'm not a guy, but I'm answering anyway.

    I don't have to hide my hubby's clothing. I just tell him straightout that I don't like a certain shirt and he doesn't wear it anymore. It does work the other way around too. If I wear something he doesn't like, he tells me.

  5. Well, I'm not a guy but heres my advice:

    Casually ask her why she left it there.

    Don't say "hey, heres that shirt I thought I lost " or "Do you know how my shirt ended up here" because you know fully well.

    Ask her why she left [ NOT HID ] it there. I know you know the answer aswell but if you can get her to tell you she didn't like her then you can remind her that you guys need to be honest with each other and then she won't need to hide your clothes she can just tell you not to wear them because they don't look good. Not cos she doesn't like it but because it actually looks ugly.

  6. My wife chucks mine away - I only find out about it months later when I ask.


  7. My first wife tried to do that, but I set her straight. I told her to just flat out tell me if she doesn't like what I'm wearing, and then I will decide whether to wear it anyways, or not. I don't allow women to control me.

  8. I've given up on hiding his clothes. He seems to always replace what he cant find with something eqaully hidious. Its like there's a store that caters for men with completely no taste as all his shirts and pants seem to come off the same shelf.

  9. She did once.

  10., she don't mind what I wear because she knows anything I wear it looks good to me even without clothes.......lolz

  11. i think she loves you a lot and want to see her faviorate clothes
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