
For the last 5 or so days I have seen birds in my yard...BUT...they are not singing or chirping.....♥?

by  |  earlier

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What gives...? Could it be the crows...?




  1. they may be planning a take over. Leave a plate of bacon on the back step. This my soothe their violent tendencies

  2. They were hunting for worms.  I'm not sure if birds can multitask

  3. worm got their tounge?

  4. Birds dont chirp all the time. There are several birds that sit on the fence of my yard just waiting for my dogs to leave their dog dish and they'll swoop in to steal the food. They were probably just waiting to swoop down on the bugs or worms in your grass. ....Or maybe they're just grumpy and don't want to sing lol

  5. Birds mostly sing to protect territories and to attract mates..but being that breeding season has ended for almost all species, they will be quieter now until next spring when breeding and nesting season arrives again.  

  6. good mornin chelle

    the birds are getting ready for fall, where you live dictates when, in your case trhey're starting now, they have to pick n choose they're nesting areas and the mating sessions start usually around the 1st week of september, or the courting, (i'm glad i'm not a bird because i've watched them do it, and if you think some dudes are quick, birds are like 2 second wonders) at least they s***w like 100 times a day though

    they'll be singing after they start s******g -i promise-wouldn't you?

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