
For the last week i have had a dull headache. It has intensified greatly a couple of times in the evening.

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It seems to be only on the left hand side of my head. A deep throbbing pain that i have to take paracetamol for. Any ideas?




  1. you have Migraine.... the pain would be different from normal head aches.  the reason could be computers. you can get your eyes checked. it may be normal. wear glasses to cut down rays coming from your computer screen. take regular breaks from ur work on computer)....  

    normally this pain may last for a day or 2. may get worse if you spend more time in front of your Screen. may lead to vomiting and headache gets worse. read about migraine on the net. you'll get a better idea.

    if its troubling you too much then you can try taking 2 aspirins. the earlier you take the better. if the pain gets worse, aspirins don't really work that well..

    splash cold water and exercise your eye....

    take care.... :)  

  2. have you had your eyes checked?

  3. If the intesity increases during s*x, this suggests that it is a blood flow problem, of which migraine is one form. My daughter gets hemiplegic migraines where her arm goes paralysed and she can't speak. She is now taking propanolol which has been really good at decreasing the frequency and intensity of her migraines. Ask your doctor.

  4. You don't say what you are doing when the headache increases.  It may be that you need glasses.  I'd look at that first.  You can get a free eye test at most opticians.

  5. ive suffered from migraines for 8+ years and also work in front of a computer.  you may want to see a neurologist (get a referral from your physician if you're unsure of any) and potentially get an MRI -- i've had one, just to rule out other potential causes.  when i have migraines they can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.  after seeing my neurologist she hooked me up with tylenol 3, vicodin & even daily pills to help ease the suffering.  check your diet and seeing if you're eating a lot of one thing; such as: dairy, sugar, caffeine.  i know when i drink more than 16oz soda i get a migraine, or if i eat too much cheese or milk.  a remedy i've found that is cheap and easy is 2 excedrin (regular strength!) + 1 full tall glass of water with 1 top ramen chicken soup & piece of fruit on the side.  anytime i wake up at 2 or 3 am i make this for myself and it helps ease the pain... but see what works for you!

  6. Have you had your blood pressure checked lately ???

    Or like someone else said have your eyes tested.

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