
For the love of gawd why does my bf get so mad at other drivers when going ANYWHERE?

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For the love of gawd why does my bf get so mad at other drivers when going ANYWHERE?




  1. Because

    1. Everybody else drives differently than he does (he cannot control)

    2. BF has very little self control (he can control)

    If you do not feel comfortable riding with him, I would definitely let him know or find another ride.  It's your life on the line, too.

  2. cause people are stupid as h**l and can't drive worth a d**n and act like they are in a video game, don't listen to the idiots on here who think they are therapist

  3. I cant begin to even describe how much I hate some drivers out there. Like the people that brake going up a steep hill? Don't even get me started.

  4. He always has to have a sense of superiority on the road, and in life I'm guessing too. I would know, both my bf and my dad are that way, unfortunately.

  5. better watch out for this one.

    He's angry in general, but doesn't feel safe about expressing it until he gets in the car.  Basically, he's taking out his rage at other things, on the drivers of the cars, who won't do anything about it.

    If he ever starts feeling safe enough around you, guess where that rage will be directed?

  6. tell him to calm down.

  7. the love of gawd why does my bf get so mad at other drivers when going ANYWHERE

  8. Some people are just like that. He needs to calm down before he gets into serious trouble. I once worked with someone who did just that. It drove me crazy, but I actually got him to change his ways.

    I was riding with him one day, and as soon as he hollered at a couple of drivers, I calmly said, "You seem to have a running feud going with everyone else on the road whenever you drive. Why? They're not your enemies. They don't know you and you don't know them. Ignore them. We'll get there just fine."

    The guy could not answer my "why" question, and eventually said, "You know, you're probably right." The rest of the drive was much more pleasant. Give it a try.

  9. Because your boyfriend has a great deal of uncontrolled, repressed rage.  It comes out when he is driving, but if you were to stay with this guy long enough, you would discover that it will also come out when he faces any other slightly frustrating situation, like when two people try to live together.

  10. Your bf deserves to get mad, honk the horn, flip the bird and the occasionally get out of the car and threaten some people. There are some idiot drivers out there today. They drive so slow and so far away from other people, they slow everyone one down and cause sudden stopping which retun into rear ending people . The slow drivers are what causes accidents, especially the retards driving in the passing lane. GET OVER SO I CAN GO BY. So give your b/f a break, he's part of your secret society to get rid of all the idiot slow poke drivers out there.

  11. Because people do not drive swiftly, they sit there like turtles with no where to go! I don't blame him for getting mad!

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