
For the love of god...plz answer my easy questions?plzzzzzz,10 points! plz im mentally suffering ,show mercy?

by  |  earlier

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why is there shortage of workers?

How is civics related to shortage of workers?

how is shortage of workers gonna affect people?




  1. The shortage is not in the jobs. Anyone who wants to work can get a job. It may not pay the big bucks and they may have to re-locate but the jobs are there. The only shortage is in well paying jobs because they are being outsourced to China, India and other foreign countries.

  2. Where did you hear there is a shortage of workers?  The only shortage in the US is of Americans willing to work for sub-minimum wage.  This is why so many illegals come here to work as nannies, gardeners, chauffeurs, etc.

    In the US we have high unemployment because there aren't enough good jobs, jobs that pay enough to live.  Japan has traditionally had it the other way, more jobs than workers to fill them, so they have pioneered in robotics.

  3. Shortage of workers.... the economy is getting worse, the hispanics are doing the jobs Americans (mostly) are to lazy to do. The employers are paying less as possible (more for themselves.. less for everyone else)  and yuppie Americans are destroying the economy via consumption.. Buying things! things they dont need ..on credit,... with money they dont have!.  Look at yourselves for the real answer to the domestic problems. Employers should maintain just enough money to operate, and make a living for their family, not stock pile money they dont need...its called greed.  pay their workers better, = better workers, more workers.

  4. there are plenty of workers.  what is needed are employers willing to pay a decent wage for the workers.

  5. If there is a shortage of workers, your farmers won't have the help they need to pick their crops and then we have no food.

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