
For the member of yahoo what am I doing wrong here?

by  |  earlier

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For the member of yahoo what am I doing wrong here?




  1. what is your question?

  2. i don't understand what your asking...

  3. Probably nothing.

  4. nothing.

  5. For one thing, you didn't even ask a question, and second of all, you've been a member for 18 days and have asked 33 questions!  You don't want to receive e-mails! What are you trying to prove?

  6. Your posting too much personal information about yourself for one thing. Refer to your profile. A person who would like to exploit you for what you are could do so. You have given just about everything a charletain needs for it. You seem friendly;perhaps a bit too much in answering questions. I took the liberty of looking at a few. It doesn't take friendship to answer questions here. Just give as concise answers as can be . Use references if you can.

    As far as finding clients for your trade. Place ads locally with a newspaper offering a discount off. Have a gimmick night; like "Hawaiian themed" to help boost clientele.

    Open a website with geocities on Yahoo for starters. Working your way up to advertising with a webhosted site to help that business.

    Clean your profile information up by editting.

    You did have it right though....." to the member"...seems I am the only one to notice these things.

    I guess everyone else is trying to snag points. Give the points to someone else. Good Luck.

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