
For the men: What is the prettiest hair on a woman?!?

by Guest67097  |  earlier

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In your opinion, what hairstyle, color, length etc. do you think looks best on a woman?




  1. For me long hair, past shoulder length, and I prefer darker hair generally to lighter hair.

  2. Longish, brunette.

  3. brunette long or at least below the shoulder

  4. what's wrong with curly hair?!

    i think curly hair is gorgeous...more personality.

  5. Black straight hair past the shoulders ,a fine Italian lady.

  6. haha, i honestly think curly hair's gorgeous. :-)

    from my experience, though, guys like long straight black hair.

  7. i don't like it too short..but most styles i like..depends on the face of the girl..or the occasion..but not short

  8. long (sligthly above center of back), straight, jet black

  9. What about blonde's?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  10. finally, someone said curly hair.

    straight hair's boring! :)

  11. it is my honest opinion that color does not matter and that strait is good not curly and long hair is a great turn on. and of course no split ends and things of that nature

  12. NATURAL blondes or redheads. With long hair.

    Perferable Irish looking curly hair.. so pretty.

  13. Slightly longer than shoulder length, brunette, and straight.

  14. Well I like long braided hair down the middle.  

  15. Long Shiny Black Hair

  16. I prefer brunettes (prefer, not exclusively like), and length as long as it's at last to the neck.

    A few girls can pull off short hair and look pretty, but not many. I don't care whatsoever about the style.

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