
For the muslims who hate Islamic solidarity...?

by  |  earlier

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How does the promotion of division amongst the Islamic community benefit Muslims morally, politically, and socially?




  1. it doesn't.

  2. It certianly doesn't!

    but it does benifit some real Muslims to get stronger in Faith by seeing the fools fighting.

  3. They have to become real Muslims first.

    Unity can be on TRUTH only.

    Islam is TRUTH.;...

  4. I wonder why no Wahabi/Shia hater could answer this question.....Well what I can say is that I am not surprised, they are scared of intelligent talk/intellectual discussion....

    [023:052]  And verily this Brotherhood of yours is a single Brotherhood, and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore fear Me (and no other).

    [049:010]  The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear God, that ye may receive Mercy.

  5. Islam is simple as that

    Quran and Sunnah

    now you Question for Small deviant sects like shias Ahmadis etc who created their Own beliefs and divided from Islam

    and their beliefs is against Islam  Beliefs

    why don't they come back to Islam (Quran and Sunnah)

    and stop their kufer ans shirk and bida'ah beliefs ?

    so then their will be no difference  at all we become all Muslims !

    we will never see one insult and curse wives and friends of the prophet

    we will never see one pray to Ali instead of Allah !

    we will never say one believe in other 12 Imams instead of the prophet !

    we will never see one believe in other prophet's after the prophet  

    etc etc

    it's up to Deviant sects to stop their shirk and kufer and bida'ah beliefs !

  6. Surely, all believers are brothers. So make peace between your brothers, and fear Allah that mercy may be shown to you. (49:10)

  7. in fact it doesn't.

    but how about you tel that to those small sects who chose to divide from the Muslim community by inventing little new religions out of their minds and started calling themselves names other then "Muslims"?



    i told you it doesn't, and that's the answer

  8. It doesn't help Islam at all. In fact, muslims are suffering because of it. The Palestinians have been suffering for 60, because people can't put aside their differences and unite to help them. its wrong, but people won't listen. = (

  9. It most certainly doesn't. We ought to be united... not arguing over petty things and making them bigger than they ought to be (Who should have succeeded the Prophet-PBUH- or how to pray)

  10. It doesn't. It just makes things harder. They also need to realize that with all this division nobody can be on top. With all the sunnis and shias hating each other. The sunnis think by "exposing" shias that can bring and end to them and same to shias "exposing" sunnis. By doing this it wont stop and it brings more problems. I wish it would all stop because all this division is not what Islam is about!

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