
For the past 7 mounths i haven go out with with no guys at all because iam scare they my do something to me?

by  |  earlier

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When i was 15 years old i went out with a guy he was 8 years older then me he invite me to eat a after i realise that i was in he house after that i starter feeling bad for some reson couldit get up and i didit remeber nothing he tellme nothing hapen and quest what after two week i was pregnat and had eopic pregnancy FOR ALL WOMES AND GUYS .




  1. be careful of who u go out wid...go out wid them only if u know them well and know their frends nd if ur completely satisfied that he isnt a creep....and never go out wid guys who are so much older...especially alone...try double dating wid a coupla frens till u r completely sure that d guy doesnt mean u ny harm

  2. You will never be able to move forward with you life unless you seek help and professional advice about what may have happened to you.

    Oh, and STAY AWAY from guys who are too old for you!

    Very best of luck xx

  3. Who let you go to a 23 years olds house for dinner anyways? If you were my daughter I would have known where you were and you would not have been there! You are only 15 years old. You need guidence. Get to know someone closer to your age before you go ANYWHERE with them and then, make sure someone knows where you are going so they will know when to expect you back. Don't drink anything from a stranger either, please. Apparently you did not know this person and the minute I knew something was "funny", I would have called the police and got him for statutory rape. He will do this to other young girls and should have been reported!

  4. I think what you need to do is talk to a therapist. It sounds like you were drugged. Its OK to not want to go out with guys for awhile. And I would avoid going out with guys that much older than you again.

  5. yeah, im sorry but you  made no sense at all above. are you getting at he used a "date rape" type of drug.. and eventually got you pregnant?

    First off, you were 15... you should not have been going out with guys at that age anyways..especially not that old! Not all guys are creeps.. you scored one at a young age..that was in the past and now it is time to think of your future. I say if you are older now and pick someone more in your age range.. try things out again!

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