Why do you think they lie? I actually like Fox, but I am a very open-minded person who wants to explore all sides of the issue. So don't consider me a conservative. Anyway, why do you say they lie? Do you actually have evidence of such lies? I would honestly like to see them. If you don't have evidence, why do you say it? Why do people hate Fox? Would anyone care to share their thinking about why they hate Fox so much? I'm trying to understand, not smear. There was a protest in Denver Sunday that was against the war supposedly. Fox tried to get a coherent message out of the group, which is often hard with protesters, but ended up getting assaulted and injured. They started shouting expletives involving Fox and the whole crowd seemed like it had such a hatred among them. I know this is a mob mentality, but there is underlying hatred in each one of these people's souls against Fox. Why? No one is supposed to get physically injured in politics. All it is is a system of beliefs people hold. Would you persecute Jews for being Jews? Why persecute people for being liberal or conservative? Anyway, just trying to understand and I totally support people sharing their opinion in a calm, non-insulting manner. So if you're a Fox hater, I don't hate you, I just want to understand why you hate it. Maybe I missed something about Fox and I need to be informed. That's why I'm asking