
For the people who have health insurance?

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For the people who have health insurance?

How many, (myself included) Have insurance, but still cannot afford to go to the Dr. and pay co payments and all the tests they want to run? I also ran this question in the health,




  1. I have to wait to go until I can pay my co-pay. Same applies for glasses and dentist.

  2. Yeah, we have co-pays, co-insurance, etc.  But, I'm thankful for any coverage we have.  My insurance is better than others out there and I'm very grateful to now have it.  Before this, my husband's insurance was almost $700/month for the premium, and then we had a $3000 deductible, plus high copays and co-insurance.  It wasn't worth it.  After 3 months, we cancelled it (thankfully the company didn't make us wait til open enrollment) and risked not having anything because the cost of what we had available was so high we had a hard time meeting our monthly living expenses.

    We didn't qualify for any state funded insurance, and even the community centers here were no less expensive than paying the cash price at the doctor.  

    We were going to have some blood work done, and I found that if we paid cash up front for the lab fees, the cost was almost half than if we used our insurance, and then paid the difference/deductible, etc...after the fact.  It's nuts!!

  3. Just go through the list of hospitals in your health insurance.

    Also make sure that you must be hospatalized at least 1 day to get the claim.

    If everyone is aware of these facts, then no issues.

    They can start it based on their requirement.

  4. Our co payments for the doctor is only fifteen bucks, fifty for the ER...but our health insurance doesn't cover blood work at all so we generally avoid it for minor things like allergy testing.

    It also doesnt cover any form of birth control which is absolutely ridiculous.

  5. free health care in canda!!!

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