
For the people who think that life begins at conception...?

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and therefore feel that abortion is morally wrong, should men not be allowed to m********e? I mean, think of all the potential children they're killing...




  1. Yeah. If these people think that every child has the right to live, then why not say girls have to be pregnant all of the time...After all, each egg is a possible child, right?

    So ridiculous.

  2. Conecption is as soon as your egg is fertilized.

  3. Everyday millions of people die and born. Death and Birth is a way of life. There can be no Life if there's no death.(Ying and Yang) Life is all about balance of energies. Too much and too less is dangerous.

    The only thing should matter is your personal life. if you think you are in danger and your life is unbalance. DO what you need to do. The only problem is your fear (religion). The Truth is instinct doesn't care if they hurt or kill.

  4. Conception= Sperm+ovule

    Sperm alone are not conception...

    Neither is an ovule with no sperm.

    This is not only men's "frustration" the fact that you are a woman who thinks somehting does not mean that all women share your ideas.

  5. Sperm and unfertilized eggs are just cells. If they die, it isn't any closer to abortion than trimming your nails is to suicide.

  6. Thank-you for posting this question.  I think I have the answer, in a song:


    There are Jews in the world.

    There are Buddhists.

    There are Hindus and Mormons, and then

    There are those that follow Mohammed, but

    I've never been one of them.

    I'm a Roman Catholic,

    And have been since before I was born,

    And the one thing they say about Catholics is:

    They'll take you as soon as you're warm.

    You don't have to be a six-footer.

    You don't have to have a great brain.

    You don't have to have any clothes on. You're

    A Catholic the moment Dad came,


    Every sperm is sacred.

    Every sperm is great.

    If a sperm is wasted,

    God gets quite irate.


    Every sperm is sacred.

    Every sperm is great.

    If a sperm is wasted,

    God gets quite irate.


    Let the heathen spill theirs

    On the dusty ground.

    God shall make them pay for

    Each sperm that can't be found.


    Every sperm is wanted.

    Every sperm is good.

    Every sperm is needed

    In your neighbourhood.


    Hindu, Taoist, Mormon,

    Spill theirs just anywhere,

    But God loves those who treat their

    s***n with more care.


    Every sperm is sacred.

    Every sperm is great.


    If a sperm is wasted,...


    ...God get quite irate.


    Every sperm is sacred.

    BRIDE and GROOM:

    Every sperm is good.


    Every sperm is needed...


    ...In your neighbourhood!


    Every sperm is useful.

    Every sperm is fine.


    God needs everybody's.

    MOURNER #1:


    MOURNER #2:

    And mine!


    And mine!


    Let the Pagan spill theirs

    O'er mountain, hill, and plain.


    God shall strike them down for

    Each sperm that's spilt in vain.


    Every sperm is sacred.

    Every sperm is good.

    Every sperm is needed

    In your neighbourhood.

    Every sperm is sacred.

    Every sperm is great.

    If a sperm is wasted,

    God gets quite iraaaaaate!"

  7. Oh!

    Think of all the CANNIBAL women I have dated!

    Assuming sperms are alive.......

  8. Well..Ive yet to see a child come from the sperm of a man after he has masturbated...

    so uhm no...i dont think that they are killing potential children..

    and by that logic...shouldnt i stop having periods because my eggs die and I am killing potential children?

    if that is so....shall i be drawn and quartered? hung? lethal injection? electric chair?

  9. thank you, some one who thinks lol. I think that life is a process, to say that life begins at conception is not very accurate since its not a human just a strip of dna. Thats like saying that the blueprints for a building is a full complete functional building.  

  10. I never understood the "complete human DNA" argument. Every cell in my body has a complete human DNA, my DNA. Does that mean scrubbing and spitting and scratching are all forms of murder? Because if you follow that logic, the cells in my saliva can be cloned to form another human being, another life (even if it isn't the biological way). So aren't we all "murderers"?

    I'm pro-choice: I believe every individual has a right to their own beliefs and a right to pursue those beliefs as long as another person is not harmed (I don't consider the fetus to be a person).  

  11. *sighs*

    A sperm cell does not have complete human DNA or it's own circulatory system, and it doesn't have a heart that starts beating after 21 days. Sperm and egg cells are only alive in the same way that an arm or a leg might be considered to be alive... once they join though, they create a new human being. Gestation is the first stage of life.  

  12. That is completely illogical.  Sperm ejaculated from a man who masturbates is just sperm....not fertilized anything.  How are you comparing he two?

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