
For the pro-National Health Care...why should we have one?

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Please educate me on this




  1. Guess there's no pro-national health types, shame, thought this was gonna be good.

  2. You are paying for others' heathcare, only at a highly inflated rate than you would be if we had a national healthcare system.  The reason is that when people do not have health insurance, they tend to not have preventive care and don't go to the doctor when they are sick, then they end up in the emergency room.  Who pays for that when they can't?  Thats right!  the Taxpayers do.  only the cost of that care vs. preventive care is massive (ever been the the ER?  Thousands of dollars)

    Also, your insurance rates (if you have insurance) are so high in part because you are paying for tons of paperwork that wouldn't be necessary in a universal healthcare system.

    National healthcare doesn't have to mean 'free' healthcare with hugely increased taxes, it can mean affordable healthcare so everyone has access to coverage.  

    If you really want to get both sides of the argument, do some research on the net, there's a ton of information out there.   You are of course entitled to your opinion, just be sure it's a well informed one and your not just towing the party line...

    good luck with your quest for understanding.

  3. You want National Health Care? Move to Canada for about a year. You will kiss the ground when you come back to the US.

  4. National Health Care is an American term and not understood by the free world. Heath care that is affordable and accessible to the majority of any countries citizens is good because it allows the government to control the cost of health care. Drive down the street in your town. Who has the newest, best buildings in town? The medical profession. Why? because they overcharge for the service they provide. They do not practise preventative medicine, but medicine for profit. They like it when you get sick, cause they see dollar signs. This undermines the basic premise of being a healer. Why did GM have a strike, they can't afford health care costs. Why don't companies hire full time employees,they can't afford health care costs. This really is a no brainer.

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