
For the vegetarians out there..?

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What are your views on eating fish and others from the sea?




  1. i am a vegetarian, and I eat fish and eggs, because I have to have some source of protein...

    this is mostly because i'm 15 and my mom makes me eat some of these things, to keep me healthy. but i always felt more sorry for mammals then fish...

    hope this helped! =]

  2. I was straight veg for about 5 years.  My health wasn't great over the time and I really needed to balance things out.  I can tell when I have not eaten it for a couple of days.  

    The pros: fish have only a couple second memory so don't feel that much pain.  

    The Cons:  Commercialism is over-fishing the entire industry and we may be out of fish to eat in 100 yrs.

  3. If it's ever had a heartbeat and sad little eyes to look at me with, I don't want to eat it.

  4. No vegetarians eat fish. If you eat fish, you're not a vegetarian.

  5. You have another post....

    Fish is really not that healthy due to the governments lack of regulations related to the impurities allowed in the fish. This applies to farm raised fish.

    I myself like Salmon, tuna steaks and sushi...yum

    im not a vegie I just eat healthy....vegies don't eat fish.

  6. Sorry I am not a vegetarian but I hate fish

    also, I really do not understand the choice to not eat meat

    arn't human beings meat eating animals?

    (you can tell by the pointy teeth in the front k9)

    I have never met a healthy happy fit veetarian so I am puzzled by the choice

  7. I believe-well learned in school- that fish isn't meat, but everyone disagrees. I personally think that it isn't considered meat but that's my opinion

  8. I'm a vegetarian and I consider fish meat. It's no different than steak or anything, just because they can swim. I don't eat fish but I know lots of vegetarians do. But, I also don't like the smell of fish. But it's a personal choice.

  9. fish (all seafood) are friends, not food.

    they are living creatures and feel pain just as we do.

    so eating them is wrong too

  10. they have a life and deserve to live it out naturally. they have done nothing to deserve death

  11. fish still suffer. and if u eat fish but not other meat then u would be considered a peskitarian.

  12. I don't eat fish, but not out of any warm and fuzzy feelings that "a clam has just as much of a right to a happy life as I do."  

    I simply choose not to ingest anything which is chock full of mercury.  Something which contains neurotoxins is probably not good for you....

  13. Vegetarians do not eat animals.

    Fish, shrimp and clams are all animals.

    If someone eats what they catch themselves, I have no thoughts on the matter but commercial fishing is a destructive and wasteful industry.

    To understand most of the issues pertaining to animal cruelty, you would probably want to watch Earthlings.

  14. I am a vegetarian and I do eat seafood. Its called pesci-ovo-vegetarian. Which is the least strict kind of vegetarian.

  15. I would count that as an animal, so I'm not sure if it should be eaten by vegetarians. But a lot do. I eat fish once in a while, but not very often since it WAS a living animal.

  16. I am a vegetarian so therefore I eat no animal flesh.

  17. i do not eat anything with a face... but i will eat eggs and stuff so i am not vegan but no fish cow pig chicken or turkey

  18. true vegetarians dont eat any meat. even fish. the only meat i eat is fish. i'll eat chicken maybe once a month. i quit eating red meat 1 year ago and i really feel way healthier.

  19. I believe fish and other living creatures in the sea that moves and eats and has blood shouldn't be eaten by a vegetarian. I dont get the point of other people about being vegetarian and then they still eat fish.

  20. well, technically, if you eat seafood, you are considered a "pescatarian" .

    it's only technically, not moral or anything .

    i eat some seafood, but not most .

    mainly because i dont enjoy most [:

    true vegetarians dont eat any animal, but do consume dairy products and such .

    vegans dont consume anything that was ever in or was ever an animal [:

  21. a fish is just like every other animal... i will NEVER eat a fish. A fish is a living breathing animal, who dosn't deserve to suffer and die when I can live on just veggies myself.. I am a true vegetarian and I don't eat fish!! It's so mean, to trick them into eating a worm, on a hook.. I mean, how would u feel if u had a hook pierced through ur lip and died because u didn't get enough air.. I feel sorry ffor the fish and YES fish is still meat, cause it comes from a living breathing animal.. True vegetarians like me,don't eat fish!



  22. While some people may believe that fish are not meat, they are living creatures no matter how you look at it. A true vegetarian does not eat things that were once living creatures.

    As others have mentioned, there is a specific label for those who eat mostly vegetarian, but include fish in their diets.

  23. All of these people saying they're vegetarian but eat fish make me want to slam my head against the wall. It's because of people like this that actual vegetarians are offered fish like it's no big deal.

    Fish is meat.

    Vegetarians don't eat meat.

    If you eat fish, you aren't a vegetarian.

    Fishing hurts, too, and fish are chock full of mercury and all sortsa pollutants. Eating fish is no different than eating a big ol' steak.

  24. then you are not vegetarian

    vegetarian= no animals. only eat things that grow from soil, mother nature. nothing with a face (set of eyes, ears, mouth)

    if you just eat seafood. that means you dont eat any other meats besides sea food. you are not vegetarian

    why do people keep thinking if your vegetarian you can eat fish?!?!?!

    Sea food is meat!

  25. im vegan, but

    i think its just as wrong to eat them as it is too eat a cow,

    they have just as much as a right to live as any other creature does.

    and anyone who eats fish is NOT a vegetarian

    PEOPLE IF YOU EAT FISH YOU ARE NOT VEGETARIAN YOU ARE A PESCATARIAN. vegetarians do not eating anything that was living, fish live.

    elizabeth:i dont think you've met very many vegetarians then

  26. Let's clear this up.

    Vegetarians: no meat, no poultry, no seafood.

    Pescitarians: all of the above but do eat sea food.

    Pollotarians: no meat, no seafood, yes poultry.

    As a vegetarian, I prefer not to eat anything with a face.

    I mean, yeah, people don't really take time to consider fishes to suffer much, but really, when fisherman have thousands of pounds of fish shoved into a little net, that's torture as well as having them die from suffocation. If you take time to think about it, eating seafood means the same type of torture animals have to go through for you to eat.

  27. A real vegetarian does not eat fish.

    Fish and sealife are just as living beings as a cow or a pig.

    Theres no reason this question should even be asked (no I'm not attacking your question, just that there are people who call themself vegetarians yet eat sealife). It's almost like we live in a world where we eat the "ugly and small" animals and keep the cute fuzzy ones.

    i.e shrimp is tiny and gross, horse (yes I know there are some who eat them) are large and beautiful.

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