
For those in the lgbt section:why do people ask?

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why is it that when one asks a question that isnt related to sexuality or has the words LGBT in the question, they ask: why is this here? or what does this have to do with lgbt? or why is this question here?....

i mean can we not just get an opinion from other lgbts without having to state our orientation or ask a question regarding sexuality and stuff related to lgbt? is it just me, or am i making a big deal out of nothing?




  1. ppl r just bored xD

  2. i often ask questions that aren't specifically lgbt, but if i wanted the opinions of the straight community i would ask in polls and surveys...i don't do that, since i would rather hear what this community has to say.

    i really enjoy questions that are "off topic" since you can only answer the "OMG i kissed a girl!"

    the "Does this make me g*y?"

    the "Isn't it a sin/are you going to h**l?" questions so many times, before they get pretty dull....

    many people consider this forum for questions only related to s*x and sexual attraction, but that isn't a true reflection of the g*y community, we are often relating that fact in our answers, so why not the questions as well?

  3. No I think that it is because this section has 3 sets of users.

    There is the LGBT community including those who are wondering if they are part of it


    there are straight people who are just interested to learn more and understand


    There are people who want to let us know that they disaprove and tell us to stop.

    I believe (though I actively resent anyone who would say something hatefull towards another person) that we all have a right to be here.

    I love that we can ask a question and not worry that the casual metion of a girl friend is less likely to attract people to wqrite hatefull stuff and go completely off topic!  I am in the closet at the mo' so this is the only place I can trully be myself.  I think that we should be allowed to do this.

    I think It is a valuable place for people to begin to understand us better too.  Even though they may make provocative comments and show some very fustrating opinions and stereotypes.  It does get wearing but I just ignore those ones if I'm not in the mood.  I loved the one recently when the guy said 4 of his 5 sons were g*y and the fith had just come out to him.  I felt for him.  And felt bad that I had been less than kind on a previous answer to him as allthough he was extremely accepting of his sons he had had a 'spleen venting moment'.

    Even some of the ones that appear to be winding us up have their own issues.

    For this category to work we should be able to speak freely but respectfully to each other.  We all have different needs and as long as we are not abusive to each other we should make this section what we want it to be.  

  4. No I totally agree I mean we should just be able to ask questions to our other LGBTs without stating our orientation or having to do with sexuailty and stuff.

    yay its grr! haha =]

    Miss you dear <3

    Edit: lol I didn't think I bugged you.. =[ I'm sorry lol. I'll catch ya when I can I've been working a lot and I just got a car so yeah =] love ya ho haha.

  5. I agree with you.  Sometimes we just want the opinions of the other GLBT people who post in this section because they give good answers.  

  6. It is definitely not just you! Sometimes I just want advice from lgbt rather than most people.

  7. I have been guilty of asking this question previously, but only if it was so ridiculous, you had to wonder why it was here...

    But really, if I clearly had to seek out this category to post my question, why would anyone ask why I is annoying.

    LOL maybe I should put in all caps for my next question....I AM A L*****n before the actual question to clear up any doubt :) XOXO

  8. For me it depends on how off topic it is. Like if your asking here: How do I change my car's suspension. Then I'd say, "Why are you asking that here, maybe it's a mistake or you wanted to but I think you'd get a better answer in another section.". But if it's like a poll or something like what to wear or simple stuff than I answer. But I do thinks it's ridiculous that we have to put POLL before the questions that are put in the LGBT section that have nothing to do with it but pure opinions.

  9. It shouldn't matter. I don't see why all questions here need to be directly related to our orientation. Also if I dislike a question I just ignore it. Just as I ignore all the bashers. I used to get sucked into both of these situations..........then I realized I was the one being foolish for getting worked up over nothing.


  10. Weeeeell, technically if it's off-topic it's "chatting" and you know what Yahoo! and the report trolls think about that.

    It doesn't matter that we're entitled to have opinions on every-day topics, Yahoo! want those questions in the relevant sections.  It's pure hypocrisy.  They call this a community then penalise people when they treat it as one.  Makes you mad doesn't it?

  11. I agree completely. I always have to add some stupid footnote to my questions about needing  LGBT answers, or I'll get someone who asks me why I'm posting it here.

    I wish people would get a sense of humor.

  12. I used to say, hey first of all wrong section.. then I'd answer their question. I've stopped doing the first part because I actually enjoy the fact that everyone here in the LGBT section can just ask random questions like we all know each other. I see it happening to the newbies more than the tc's. Maybe people are just picking on the newbies..

  13. relax. meditate. breathe.

    You can't control what other people write.  It doesn't hurt anyone for them to ask the question.  They might just be curious and that's all there is to it.

    Now did you have a question not related to LGBT topics?  Do you want to post it?  Go ahead.  We won't bite.

  14. Well, technically speaking, if the question is in the wrong section, it's a violation of the Community Guidelines.  The "can I get an opinion" question is categorized by YA as "chatting".  If a report troll were to wander through here, quite a few of the questions that are posted here would be deleted.  LGBT does have a reputation for being chatty.  I kinda like it that way, and I presume others do, too, so no problems.

    In other sections, I do sometimes ask the "why is this here" question.  For instance, in the Homework Help section recently, we had a question supposedly from a teenage girl about whether she should quit tennis and take up diving to be near a boy she liked.  You've got to wonder about the homework being assigned in high school these days...

  15. Yes, this can be our little domain.

    I am more worried about the people who asked questions which assume 99% of the contributors are heterosexual. It should be pretty clear upon entry that this room is for g*y, L*****n, Bisexual, or Transgender people.

  16. You're only asking what we're all thinking.

    If anyone does it to me, I block them, then they never have to see a question of mine again

  17. You aren't making a big deal out of nothing...not in my opinion anyway.  I have dared to ask a question, only a couple of times, that did not directly have to do with sexuality...and they have always gotten deleted.  It really irritates me.  I like to ask all my questions in this section because I value the opinions of my LGBT brothers and sisters : )

  18. I never post questions here related to sexuality.

    I just don't think that I will come to this section if there are questions only related to sexuality, for example, Am I g*y?, How do you know if a guy is g*y?' How do people become g*y?, etc.

    I mean, the LGBT section will become a boring place.

    So, posting random questions here always brightens up this category.

    How many people actually answer the am I g*y questions anyway?

    But yours and other users like you post a lot of random questions, and we enjoy answering them.

    So, the people who only want sexuality related questions in this category are really boring and think that LGBT is only about sexuality.

    We are a family here...we can post and share whatever we would share with our families.

    The random questions are important...they always bring us back here.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    That was an answer from a regular poster in the LGBT.

    Now, I'm going to be a bit more proud, and I'll show off my Top Contributor badge for the Yahoo! Answers category.

    I have carefully read the Community Guidelines and understood every rules and regulations.

    So, I'm gonna explain what the Community Guidelines says.

    Categorize Correctly:

    "Keep your questions succinct, but be descriptive enough to help people understand what you're asking. Correct spelling and grammar help people find your questions, and you'll get better answers when others can clearly make out what you're asking."

    Is it a violation to put my question in the wrong category?

    Sometimes it’s hard to find the perfect category for your question. We know that mistakes sometimes happen and miscategorization of a question is not automatically considered a violation. However, repeatedly posting questions in the wrong category could result in a violation of the Community Guidelines.

    So, according to the CG, it is NOT wrong to place questions in the wrong category...the point of proper categorization is to help the questioner get proper and accurate answer to his/her question.

    Although placing the questions repeatedly in the wrong category is a violation, it is not wrong unless you are reported for it.

    Now, who will report us for placing the question in the wrong category?

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    lol...please take that "Top Contributor" part as a joke...I wasn't bragging.

    You are certainly not making a big deal out of it.

    You do have a point.

    If you also notice the answers saying "Why is this in the g*y category?", you should have also noticed that they do not give the proper answer to the question.

    Which means that, they are naive and ignorant...they just post that to gain points.

    Such answers are illegitimate, and they fall under the "Point-Gaming" and "Not an Answer" violation category.

    So, report such posts.

    Now, will you care to answer my question? I need help!;...

    You owe me 10 points Missy!

    It's an order!

    You don't want me as your reklats.

    (Now bug me back...I'm tired of the "Are you g*y?" emails)


    Yes Butters...people here needs to have a sense of humor.

    I posted a funny question yesterday, and I was called a Troll, and Liar then I was reported!

    People take things very seriously!

    *Best Wishes*

    ♪♣ Đǐvǐήέ Яάў ♣♪

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