
For those of you against "Bully Breeds" or Pro-BSL?

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I've always wondered why people are against them?

Why are you against breeds considered "Bully Breeds"? (Pit Bulls, Dobermans, Boxers, Rottweilers, etc.).

Was it something you read? Something you heard? Something you Witnessed?

Have you ever met a dog in the "Bully Breed" category?




  1. I have NOTHING against them ,  just to give an exemple ,

    My brother has 1 APBT and 1 Rott , which are considered ''Bully breed''  and they are wonderfull dog , I mean my Alaska is ''meaner '' then them.. ( She's a bit of attitude problem WHICH are getting fix)

    I think it's not so much the owners !!!  Like it was said

    I have something against ingnorance of the owners , not the dog !

  2. I think it is so sad people can be so cruel to a type of dog.  It is just the breeder.  I hate breeders I think they are bad people who dont care about animals.  I love Pitbulls!  :]

  3. I'm against a great percentage of the OWNERS of 'bully breeds.'

    Strange how you never see one of these small-penised schmucks walking a Chi or a Maltese.

    I find it disgusting that people attempt to warp and corrupt the temperament of such loyal, intelligent breeds just for their own sick pleasure or greed.  

    I do not support BSL in any way, but I would not be displeased to see a MANDATORY TEST required for people to own 'bullies' or breed them responsibly.

    I'm sick of dogs dying because of stupid people.

  4. Most people are scared because they've heard about the ones that aren't taken care of or are poorly trained.  My pit bull is the same way, wouldn't hurt anything...My cat whoops her butt constantly LMAO... It's so funny.  My mother was scared of Pit Bulls before I got Elle.  Now she curls up with her on the couch.  It's just mis information about the few who don't get the life and direction they need...I've been bitten by  chihuahuas and dachshunds and labs, I've met one bad Rotty, and one "iffy" doberman....You are more likely to be bitten by a labrador retriever than anything else....I've done the research when our area was thinking about a bsl...but a one of my friends and coworker were able to prove it's ineffective and that bad dogs are bad dogs no matter what the breed.  I mean in our area alone....last year 5 pitbull bites.....150 labrador bites.....u do the math.

    also living in a "nice" area doesn't mean you know anything about how to take care of an animal...

  5. <----------- LOVE MY BABY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's exactly it .... MISINFORMED AND IGNORANT ....

  6. i own 3 dogs in the bully category & my friend owns one. I love my babies, there not at all agressive, i think my moms cat is meaner. i think its all in what you want to hear, the media is helping give these wonderful dogs a bad rep. BSL is bad i hate it, and i sure hope they dont try n kill my babies id honestly shoot someone over them. I think to its inexperienced/irresponible owners.  

  7. Yessum, them dogs is aggressive. Umm hmm...I seen it with my own eyes.

    My neighbor gots himself one of them Pit bull dogs. I was a'walkin by one day, and that d**n dog nearly tore a chunk outta me. I didn't understand it.

    He gets plenty of fresh air! He's tied to a tree in the yard all d**n day and night! I reckon he wasn't hungry...he gets fed a steady diet of raw meat and gunpowder. The only thing I can think of is they're just mean nasty dogs....that's right....them, and those there Rockwilders.

    EDIT: You know what's funny? No actual Pro-BSL people have answered this question....anyone else hear crickets??

  8. Hi,

    I like boxers, dobermans, and rottweilers. I am just totally against pitbulls because they have attitudes of there one and they are loyal but you can never trust them. I no someone who has died because of a Pitbull and she lived in a nice area where the dogs were loyal to there owners. And they girl that got attacked was just laying in her lawn spraying sun tan lotion and that happenend.  It  is not that I dont like them it is just that if they are such a risk to people and there life then what is the point of having them.

    Thanks and Enjoy.

  9. Before i got my german shepherd that i have now i had a rottweiler named nightro biggest baby everrr i think a fly would have done more damage to someone than my rott

  10. Im not against the breeds at all. its the stupid owners that I hate!!

  11. Firs5t of all I am against BSL all the way.  But I wanted to make a correction ( no offense) inhow you used the term "bully breed".  A bully breed does not include rotts, gsd's, boxers,etc.  The definition of bully breed is a dog that falls under the heritage of the bullys, boston terriers are considered a bully breed, amstaffs, pit bulls, bull terriers, english blldogs, etc.  However, I believe most ppl consider the dog breeds you listed to be kinda high risk, aggressive or "dangerous".  This is usually so very far from the truth.  I have owned dogs all my life, and I have never been a sissy frufru dog owner.  I have spent alot of time raising well behaved, non-aggressive, social gsd's, rotts, and pitts.  All dog breeds do posses certain traits that have been bred into them from the beginning of the breed...for example a german shepherd has a natural instinct to protect and herd its "flock".  Dogs were bred for a purpose.  It is a fact that bully breeds have a natural instinct to have some dog aggression.  However, a responsible owner recognizes and takes steps to ensure that the dog is good with other animals or is vigilant to keep their dog under control around other animals.  These dogs, however DO NOT have people aggression as a instinct.  Legitimate breeders are very concious about temperments, traits, etc. when breeding.  They want sound dogs.  Often times some breeds are very popular and therefor  are mass bred, sometimes inbred, and no plannign is given in respect to lines or temperment.  Then everyone wants one, whether or not they can handle the breed and its demands.  Herein lies the biggest problem.  NOT the breed.  Anyway enough of my rambling, I jsut hope that BSL doesn't take over, when you let ppl tell you what kind of dog you can have b/c "they don't like it" you are opening yourself to lose alot of rights, b/c someone in power might not like it.

  12. Because people fear what they don't know or understand.  Unfortunately, most people will not educate themselves to know better and the rumors from "horror" stories only fuels that prejudice.

    Personally, I think these breeds esp. pits are wonderful dogs.  I have met many pits, rotties, dobies and had a boss who brought in their boxers everyday to work.  ALL ARE GREAT DOGS!

    What I like to tell people:  Their are no bad dogs....only bad owners!!!

  13. They are NOT normally aggressive to humans so anyone on here who is saying they are aggressive dogs are obviously misinformed. I love my APBT she is the greatest! And only a person can train an APBT to be aggressive. They are very good people dogs and all they want is to please their owner. I have also owned a Rotti and fostered a boxer before. I have never myself owned a Doberman but I know many people who do and I have also come across them in the shelter I volunteer at. They are all loyal amazing dogs. It's all in how you train them.  

    I agree with Alley....We have to stand up for not only our dogs but also our rights.  And I don't care where I have to go.....No one is ever taking my dog from me!

    P.S. I have never been a frufru dog owner either....I love the big breeds = )

  14. I am about sick and tired of all the idiots in here.  I was bitten years ago by a Rottie mix.  It was MY fault.  150 gazillion percent my fault.  That dog was in its own yard.  I went up to him.  I put my hand in front of his face.  Of course I got bit.  And I knew it the second it happened too that it was my fault.  I knew I was just being stupid and I've never had one single thing against them since that time because it wasn't the dog's fault.  That was kinda the owner's fault somewhat... the dog was a little unstable because of THE OWNER... mostly it was MY fault.  How many people in here do you think woulda been yelling lawsuit and BSL, BSL, BSL though??

  15. I don't know why either! Pit bulls are ban here, and I have no idea why!  It's so mean and unnecessary!

  16. I have never been for BSL. I just don't think that it is the answer.

    I was apprehensive around "Bully Breeds" (APBT, Staffies, American Bull dogs, etc) until I became educated, and was actually around them.

    Now, I couldn't imagine a better breed!

    I don't expect everyone to change their minds about certain breeds, simply because some people are too narrow minded to change, but I educate where I can, and try to introduce my well socialized APBT to as many people that I can. (The ones that will let her get close... her size is a bit intimidating for some.)

    LMAO at Rachel!!!! That made my day! Sadly, that is how a lot of people think!

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