
For those of you that answered the Q...did you see this coming?

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I was curious who this girl chose for BA...I thought there were some great answers. Boy did I get the shock of my life when I saw who she chose. LOL! I can't believe that people really feel this way...I've never ever considered myself superior to anyone, and I certainly don't consider myself a savior.

Do you think the best answer got chosen as BA?

Or do you think these two people are just two peas in a pod?;_ylt=Ap4Is1XBie6IDFECuDyU.erty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080827092411AAsp5T8&show=7#profile-info-StoXNDBAaa




  1. I don't know what to say. I am just shaking my head at this wondering what people are thinking.

    The people that rescue/adopt from a shelter should not be attacked. I am very grateful that people do go to shelters and rescues to get their dogs. I think they are heroes.

    Why attack people who are actually helping helpless animals that need attention and love from humans???

  2. There are lots of questions & answer like this here.

    You just have to shake your head and feel sorry for them!

  3. wow what dunderheads  

  4. That idiot has not clue when it comes to dogs!!!   A "Clueless head".  I wasn't there for the post, and missed answering, but am totally shocked at the stupidity!!  

    Can't believe the answer that was picked!  Such good answers with deep heartfelt care in saving many dogs lives, and THIS IDIOT WAS PICKED!!!  

    I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it!!   They're both two peas in a pod!!

    All we can do is shake it off and move on.

  5. I never thought of myself as "superior" to anyone because I rescued my 2 cats.  

    I think of it as rescuing an animal from a shelter before they are put to sleep.  I never use the word rescue to try to make myself look better.

    I didn't answer that question, but I agree with you!

  6. This fluffhead has obviously never walked through a kill shelter.

    Never seen a dog or cat that's been set on fire, burned with acid, or blinded.

    Never seen a puppy abandoned in a dumpster, or a kitten drowned in a swimming pool.

    In other words, the rose-colored glasses on these two b***s are pretty godd am thick- clinical blindness, anyone?

    Pay them no attention.  We know what we do, and we unfortunately know what other people do.

  7. She probably felt sorry for his 13 thumbs down!!

    Gawd what an answer..

  8. it seems they know nothing about dogs, i agree with you and to adopt is to rescue your stopping the dogs death if its a kill shelter and your giving it a home so how isn't that a rescue. your right there idiotic snobs  

  9. I have rescued 2 EBT in the last 10yrs I also own a JRT which I paid for.. I always refer to my EBT as a rescue dog because that is what she is!!!!...What a daft answer to pick ...Maybe it would be a good idea for them both to look up the word rescue in the dictionary and then they might have an idea of what it means...

  10. What! That BA guy is so wrong! Rescued has a different meaning when it comes to dogs. I disagree completely with him.

    Tons of people have rescued dogs and aren't stuck up snobs like he says! It's impractical!

  11. I think people choose the answer they agree with, even if its not always the "Best Answer". I choose what sticks out, what I agree with and what others agree with (by the thumbs up).

    I think Rescue is just a term for any animal adopted from a shelter or a stray, theres nothing wrong with calling the dog that because they were rescued. When you save them from getting killed at the shelter? I'd say you've rescued them.

  12. I guess that just shows that people just believe what they wanna believe and they'll keep it up until they find someone who agrees with them.  It was great reading everybody's stories in there anyway and just forgetting about those two!!

  13. Being adopted (funny he had no issue with using the term "adopted") from a pound before being stuffed alive into a gas chamber or being subjected to a heartstick euthanasia, clearly qualifies as a "rescue."  I don't think the majority of people have any idea how dogs and cats are euthanized in large urban and very rural shelters and pounds with huge stray population.

  14. Probably the askers alias account...

  15. Well, are we surprised? Nothing on this site surprises me anymore. They use the term "savior" as if it is a derogatory term. As Nekai stated, they've obviously never walked through a kill shelter before. I leave crying every time I go. I absolutely can't stand to leave all those dogs and cats there knowing that most of them will be euth'd soon.

    Those 2 definitely deserve to be in cahoots together. Whatever is what I have to say to most Q's and A's anymore. Whatever...just...whatever.

    I have heartburn today. Think Y!A has anything to do with it? These people are giving me an ulcer! haha.

    Add: I AM going crazy! Ok, so Nekai didn't say that, howldine did. If I misspelled that, too, I give up today!

  16. wow

    two peas in a pod

    just let them beleive what they "beleive"

    because we all know what we really think of them!

    im thinking about RESCUING a dog and not becasue im a SNOB hehe seriosuly.

  17. I think he was trying to make others mad.  I thought some other people had great answers.  And I don't understand how there could be an argument either.  I hate lying, I tried once, and I got into trouble.  I stopped (except when it is necessary).

  18. I don't use it to feel superior, I guess saving a dog from being put to sleep isn't rescuing them?  

  19. it baffles me why people ask for serious answers and then pick a stupid one.  

  20. I was JUST emailing you to have a look!!!!!!

    Can you freaking believe the mentality of some people?!!

    I had to leave a comment and I was just about to write you - wrote Judgerz.

    Some people make me completely ill.

    'scuze me while I puff up my chest some more.

  21. I have also been totally baffled when intelligent and truly knowledgable (experience through application) information is shared in the effort to sincerely help the person who has questions or issues only to be flagged with a thumbs down!  

    A recent question which was answered with correct information by several kind knowledgable donors, several kind "uneducated but sincerely want to help" donors, and also by several donors with totally incorrect responses/answers.  Guess what?  The incorrect answers were given "thumbs up" and the correct and useful information offered were given the "thumbs down".  Sadly, the issue needed to be addressed by truly experienced/knowledgeable people and not by "emotional morons".  (Sorry, I have to call it as I see it -- a bit too emotional huh?!?!.)  But if it is information that can be harmful or helpful to a living creature why would anyone NOT want to know the current facts/data instead of clinging to "romantic" ideas.  Asking a question and then choosing to remain "stupid" is not going to help solve any issues, and is well, just plain stupid!.  

    How do I "handle" these kinds of people/responses?  -- I don't take them personally.  I will not address an issue/question unless I feel  confident enough with my own  knowledge base; especially when it comes to the welfare of an animal.  I so greedily stuff data/information/application into my brain, (and yes constantly question elements of the issue).  I am therefore fairly confident with the  information that I share and confident in my judgement to know that these types  of folks just don't know what the heck it is that they are talking about.  It's just too bad that living creatures have to suffer under the care of these egotistical ignorant beings.  (And not any one of us has all the answers -- there is always new data coming in, and always someone with more experience and education than the next....utilize these resources (that is if you REALLY want to get as close to the REALITY of the matter/hobby/issue of your concern)!  

    Regarding the "Rescue" issue:  Simply semantics gone petty. Besides  the question had no moral/life saving value of any kind - so why would anyone see this as an "issue" (except bored, petty, not so bright, individuals).  Okay, youth can be a "small" excuse but only for a short time (while you are a youth).

    The difference between these types of knowledge seekers and/or opinion seekers is that one "group" has the ability/insight  to separate emotions from intellect.  They do their utmost to see things as they really are - no matter how good or ugly the info. may be. It has to be this way, otherwise it is only useless, even harmful at times, "information".  The other "group" chooses romance/emotion over logic. Hmmm....the simple answer has now just hit me! - Smart versus Stupid!  Oh man I can be stupid at times.....

  22. Wow!  The both sound like crackheads.

  23. I have 4 rescued dogs so that makes me too superior to answer your measly question.

    I am off to go gaze at myself in the mirror in amazement of what a wonderful human being I am. Tootles!  

  24. I don't understand why the guy seems to condemn people for calling their adopted dogs "rescue" dogs, what's wrong with the term rescue, in a way you did rescue them from being put to death or from the horrible place they were before they got to the shelter.  I help out a rescue group called Rescued Me, does that make them superior, saviors yes, but no I don't think he should have gotten BA.  Personally I think he sounds like a self righteous nincompoop.

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