For those of you that are against placing foster kids on websites, TV and papers how do you suggest those kids get adopted. Each PAP who is trying to adopt from foster who is over worked and their job is to find a child/children for you . If you wait for the worker to introduce a child to you you may never see one. With the web and TV spots PAP who have been licensed can express intrest in a child and begin the process of introducing them to your home. For many of these kids they will age out of the system with no one if it weren't for the for this. They place childern of all types on there not just the healthy white babies. They place sibling groups, MRDD, developmemtally delayed etc. Some people actually see these spots on TV and decided to adopt from Foster care. So my question is for those who are against it what is your alternative? How would you find these kids homes?;_ylt=Aijo7Tvl19i0XfByZkl9G8jsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080404232056AAuFbwp&