
For those of you that have actual formal political education?

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dont you feel a little like youre wasting your time here?




  1. Yes i am a political science major and sometimes when i ask some serious questions i get unthoughtful inexperience childish is a bit frustrating and i do feel like i am wasting my time here sometimes but something just keeps me sticking around

  2. PoliSci major here...however, I've been hanging out in the "home repair" section.  This is my first rodeo with this category.  I'll have to get back to you as to whether or not I'm wasting my time here.  As for the other categories, I have found that the questions and answers run the gamut from incredibly stupid kids, naive and unsophisticated adults to those who have very helpful information to share based on experience or education.  I simply have to weed through it all and find something that's interesting to me.  By the way, I'm a "grown-up" full-time student who has been voting since 1970.

  3. Yes, but it's fun to confront liberals with reality.  It's the only thing that keeps me coming back.

  4. Wait I'm laughing at the lib/con answer.Didn't you just ask about the importance of Hegel?Look at that answer.Yes,it feels that way.But I usually do this with a lecture video in another window,It's just a time-killer.Then when someone interesting jumps online,it's fun to answer.

  5. Yeah.But it is interesting to see what the general intellect and mindset is here.Somewhat frightening.Especially when you find out that this isn't filled completely with teenagers.For quite some time I really thought I stumbled upon a kid's venue.Zowie,a voter since 1961 here.Please do a little research on our history.Over half of our presidents are bloodline related.What are the odds of that in free elections?Plus,civil liberties consistently erode no matter which party is in office or in control of Congress.Again,what are the odds if we truly lived in a Constitutional Republic[yes,I know it is now a democracy.Wasn't founded as one].

  6. It really depends on what you expect here.I had to unlearn my formal education to truly grasp geopoltics.So that's a moot point for me.But I think I know what you're driving at.One wonders if the bulk of users here are under 16 years of age.And if it would be prudent to have a JR. Yahoo Answers.Or at least a little explanation of categories for the dimmer bulbs.Sadly,I think there are more adults here than one would conjecture or speculate from the questions and answers.

  7. not really, i have had emails from some very interesting people...mostly positive.

    i like to do the research and learn.  i dig deep into intelligent questions and try to provide facts. mostly i ignore the stupid question and do not respond.

    i have been voting since 1961 and have seen numerous elections and hopefully can add some knowledge of our history to those who want to listen and do their own research rather than parrot talking heads.

  8. Yes, but it's the only time you can get a word in with liberals.

  9. I enjoy raising people's blood pressure from time to time.

  10. Actually,it is for anyone that understands political science.Still,some people are here in earnest to learn.It is amazing to read some of the complete infantile rhetoric here.But formal education doesn't impress me.And I have to laugh at  the inference of liberalism in a couple answers here,just because you mention intellect.I'm not partisan,but certainly an ultra-conservative.

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