
For those of you that have had Acupuncture for Depression or Anxiety, did it help you?

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For those of you that have had Acupuncture for Depression or Anxiety, did it help you?




  1. people have relapses, remissions and complete recoveries in/from depression whether they take treatment for it or not

    It is impossible for any individual to know exactly why they recovered. (no matter what anecdotes they tell after the fact)

    That's why we have randomised clinical trials - and these show that acupuncture plays no role in helping depressed patients.

    If you think you are depressed go to your GP.

  2. I had acupuncture for depression/anxiety, post-traumatic-stress disorder, insomnia, slight agoraphobia and some panic attacks which I suffered from all during the same period.

    I chose acupuncture because I had a 4 month waiting list to see a counsellor "urgently".  I had 15 sessions of acupuncture, for the first 2 weeks I had 3 sessions each week and then I had it once a week.  

    I was in a state when I arrived - just being terrified of going outside and around people, even though my boyfriend came with me.  But after my first session I felt alot calmer and alot less jumpy.  After my 3rd treatment I was able to sleep better and in turn that helped me deal with my emotions and made my days alot easier to face and to feel more positive.

    For me they told me not to expect it to cure the depression since mine was not medical, but just a cause of something else, but it was a great first step, and I'm so glad I had it because I was feeling so desperate and lost for help and I would reccommend it to anyone who needs urgent help, especially with panic attacks and anxiety, rather than waiting for a counsellor and suffering in the meanwhile.

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