
For those of you that have had dreams come true?

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Ffor those of you that did have dreams come true, but don't think it was just a wierd coincidence, do you think it was an energy, like Karma or something? How would you explain dreaming of an event before it happened?




  1. Sometimes I think of it as a coincidence, other times, I think of it as a lucky guess to something like who wins a contest or something. But then the really freaky ones that happen to come true I think are karma related.

    I once had this dream where I was in a baseball game at school and our team won because I threw the ball fast enough to get it back into the field. I am no good at baseball whatsoever, but the next day I played ball. I was the worst player in the outfield, but the ball came my way and I threw it back into the infield and we got the person out, winning the game.

    I consider that karma, because I had been trying so hard to get the hang of playing baseball and showing everyone I could do something to help that was right.

    But I guess it's all how you interpret it.

  2. this is called Deja Vu

    i get this ALOT.

    to me, it's a sign of self conciousness.

    maybe you're psychic.


    hope this helped/made ya think

    -Sydney :]

  3. yh that actually happened to me a couple of times.

    and when i realised it, it was like dashavoo.

    its really weird isnt it.

    picture you dreampt u died.

  4. I can't speak for everyone, for myself I believe that the 'energy' or 'essence' which is giving us the ability of foresight is actually a greater power than ourselves, a greater power which isn't connected to one thing, but all, something that isn't concentrated in one person, or a group of persons, but in everyone & every living thing. There is no way to escape the touch.

    At times I guess we are more sensitive to this power & this is why we are able to tap into it so to speak. Or we are given the permission to tap into it, because we are supposed to see what may happen (so we have time to change things for ourselves) or what is going to happen for certain (so we have time to prepare ourselves mentally/physically/spiritually).

    I guess naming the 'energy' is where religions & spiritualities come in. But, the key is that the energy doesn't have to be named, because it cannot be named, it is a Great Mystery - if we knew the mystery, we'd be better than the one who had created it - thus making us at least equal, if not smarter, than the supreme being - or supreme energy force.

  5. When I was younger my brother had a dream our house would burn down- it came true a week later.

  6. I have had dreams that the next day/week came true.

    One was a contest that I dreamed about. I didn't win though. :P

  7. Our subconscious mind takes in everything that happens to and around us each day. We do not consciously process this during the day. But at night when we are asleep what is called the 'days residue' comes up into our dreams. It is possible for there to be little clues as to what might happen later and the mind will pull those together and process them when you are dreaming. I had that happen once many years ago. The dream was about my father who was lying in bed and my old dog came up and jumped in bed with him. I woke up very upset because the dog had been dead for years. About 3 months later my father died of cancer. At the time of the dream we did not know that he was ill.

    I knew a woman once who was very psychic and one night she had a dream about a building burning with children in it. It was very upsetting for her. When she woke up she found out that a boarding school in another state had burned in the night and many children were killed. That sort of dream I think is because at a very deep level we are all connected.

  8. I don't know.  several days ago, I dreamt that Miss Ven.  won Miss Universe.  I ignored the dream as random.  Was it two days? ago my husband was flipping through channels and he stopped on the Miss Universe pagent.  I didnt even know it was coming up (I think pagents are stupid, sorry y'all) and I even laughed about my dream.  Then I made him change the channel.  On the internet, yesterday the results were in. WTF?

    She won.  Could I at least dream something relavant?  How can I have "energy" about something that hasn't even happened?  It would make more sense if the thing had been taped much much earlier, and I picked up a vibe, or accidentally heard/saw something.  It happens a lot with me, but the premonition stuff I don't get.

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