
For those of you that support right to chose, but not prostitution?

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How can you support abortions but not prostitution there both a choice a woman makes with her body. So if you support one shouldn't you support the other?




  1. we may not like abortion but it is a woman's choice it's her body at the end of the day and for some people one of the hardest disision of there lives. I personaly don't like abortion but i case's such as rape, mental health, and medical i say yes.  To the rest it's there choice they have to live with that choice the rest of there lives.

    As for prostitution if a man carn't get it at home for what ever reason why not go to a prostitut it's just s*x it's not love. If it stops your husband from leaving you for another woman who will do what you wont isn't that a good thing and if it stops a man from rape out of frustration thats a good thing to. isn't it?

  2. And people don't choose abortion just because its the woman's choice with her body.

    Not just her body, her entire life will change if she has an unplanned child.

    Not just HER life will change, the fathers, the grandparents, her supportive friends.

    Recent studies have shown, it costs $233,530 to raise a child.

    If someone doesn't have that kind of money, emotional support or care to raise that child, I believe they should have the choice to terminate the cells.

    I can see you make a very good point with prostitution that it is a choice women make for their own body, but selling your self for money leads to other crimes, with rough "hirers" assaulting the prostitute afterwards. It also leads to an unhealthy view against women.

    It is also maybe an "easy way out" for some people.

    If they can't get a job, they have this last resort, but I think that for the good of those women the government would prefer them to seek other help, instead of becoming this service.

  3. Potentially, one can be pro-choice or pro-abortion because they don't want the population to increase.

    However, in all actuality, the usual reason that some support the right to choose, but not prostitution, is intellectual dishonesty.

  4. Its a No No for both  

  5. The answer is very simple. If proistituion is chosen by an ADULT person who WANTS to do it that's fine. But most of the percentage of prostituiin is minors or peopel that are doing it because they are homeless/drugged up. These are not choices.This is the whole reason why it should be legalised.

  6. Actually I would support prostitution if it were safe and legal. It's the world's oldest profession and it's not going anywhere. May as well make it less dangerous.

    Though I do find men who support prostitution rather sad. It does speak to their lack of ability to get an actual girlfriend.

  7. I agree, if I can charge good money for a back massage, why can't I charge even better money for other areas?  Supply and demand, I say  :-)

  8. If prostitution is to be legalized then it should be treated in the same manner as any other industry.  Where is this currently the situation?  In parts of Europe: prostitutes are unionized, their union dues support them, they pay towards an old-age pension... many of the same perks as other German workers.   They don't need to walk the streets and put themselves in harm's way; rather, they work out of brothels (much safer).  There are no pimps: these are self-employed business women.

    'Union initiatives'

    "While these legal changes were welcomed by ver.di and Hydra- an association of prostitutes which seeks to help their peers to claim their rights from the public health administration (Gesundheitsämter) and to improve working conditions - ver.di is now also slowly beginning to create appropriate structures for the representation of prostitutes. In a first step, ver.di will develop standard working contracts which acknowledge the specific conditions of prostitution. Because, even after the reform, the legal situation within the s*x business is complicated, the union plans to assist prostitutes in finding their way through the legal maze. In the city of Dortmund ver.di has already gone beyond mere assistance and succeeded in recruiting s*x workers to the union. In addition to these initiatives, ver.di also plans to create structures for co-determination at the company level. In a first attempt, ver.di's Hamburg state-level union body will assist prostitutes to set up a works council in one of the city's brothels.

    While ver.di is careful not to impose its own standards on this specific group of workers, it plans to work on aspects of the political regulation of prostitution. In particular, the union hopes to focus on issues such as trafficking in women, and thus hopes to contribute to protecting the legal part of the market from illegal practices."

    Now I can say I support legalizing prostitution in USA/Canada/Australia.  On THIS model only.

    Now I can safely say I support the legalisation of prostitution (a specific form) and a woman's  freedom to choose abortion -  or not.  What have these issues got in common anyway?

  9. There are two opposing "camps" on the prostitution debate - there are those who do see prostitution as a personal choice and believe s*x work can potentially be the same as any other job - they believe rather than stopping prostitution it is best to improve the working conditions for prostitutes, legalise it and so on.

    The other camp believes prostitution is a form of violence against women.  They believe although women choose to become prostitutes they do so because of limited options - they turn to it because of desperation.  They believe men who use prostitutes are carrying out violence against women by using women for sexual gratification and believe women need help to escape prostitution and that men should be prosecuted for going to prostitutes.

    So it is a lot more complex than comparing it to abortion - totally different circumstances!

    Personally I am pro-choice on abortion and i would take a radical feminist perspective to prostitution - i believe it is a form of violence against women and should not be seen as legitimate work choice.  However, i can see why people also take the first view.

  10. No...two very differing issues for women.  A woman must have autonomy when it comes to her own body.  But to go from the point that that is a given is naive in the extreme.  ALL women can choose to prostitute themselves? ALL women can have free choice when it comes to termination? Absolutely not. Prostitution is not a valid career choice...don't be seduced by the Pretty Woman, Happy Hooker image.  Many are coerced, trafficked, embarking on it to feed a habit. However, if there is a cultural shift and women who work in the 's*x industry' are given as much respect as any other female profession then so be it...if you are happy when my daughter, your daughter is given employee of the month at a brothel somewhere for doing 30 punters in a day..we can say feminism is dead alongside sexism eh?  

  11. I don't know why a woman would support legalised abortion "because of a woman's right to choose what she does with her own body" but not support legalised prostitution.

    But most of feminism isn't exactly logical.

  12. Most women can imagine themselves in a situation where they might want an abortion - and therefore find it easy to accept pro-choice arguments.

    Most women cannot (or will not) imagine a situation where they might need to prostitute themselves, and try to avoid thinking about the situation by being anti-prostitution.

    It is basically wish-fulfillment, and immaturity. Women who have thought the issues through are pro-choice both on abortion and prostitution.

  13. Good question.

    You will find very quickly that if you say anything that feminists may disagree with, you are verbally harassed. This is why they have earned the term "feminazi".

    See the blog:  

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